Aussie Growers Thread

Well, my mate had to pull the pin on today's shenanigans (it's a long story...), so I got stuck into the irrigation system for the bush plot instead:

Gravity fed from an IBC (picking-up another freebie from a different mate on Tuesday:D).

The plants aren't very big & the season hasn't got much further to run, so I've got the system dialled-back to supply about 300L/hr. I know it can supply a lot more than that, so it's a good "test of concept" & has the capacity to deliver big-time for next season. Ahem!!!

I don't like the fact that water is being delivered so close to the base of the main stem (which could result in stem-rot), so I'm going to cover the rings with mulch to stop that happening & have a re-think for next year. The whole thing will be reconfigured, depending on what I decide to grow out there.

YAY!!! No more trudging up & down a hill with multiple watering cans every couple of days:rolleyes:
They really are beautiful mate. I'd be pretty damn pleased with myself if I that's what I was sitting on as well regardless of the size of the harvest. I bet that stuff tastes great too. So what exactly am I looking at in these pics? Any of the aforementioned cultivars above? Please, do tell about this Demo stuff too. Sorry to bombard you with a thousand and one questions man. Please let me know if I'm being a pain in the sphincter. I know I can be a bit of headache at times.

Thats a coupe different phenos of Demo which is (GMO x Dessert Breath). GMO is (Chem D x Cookies) and Dessert Breath is (Cookies n Cream x High School Sweetheart) so it's got lots of cookies and a lot of dank in it's lineage. Even still some crosses just come out better than others and I think @genuity did a fine selection on the male.

You can get them here highly recommended:

Anyone use that ona odour neutraliser?
I thought I would give it a go, I’ve seen a few other threads where people say it works well
Instead of sprayin for spider mites every few days during flowering (sprayd once last tuesday then it pissed down wensdy gave another spray friday afternoon with the natures way pest spray) if i remove the affected leaves that i see here an there help slow the pricks down?
Yeah it will but seeing as they’re outside why don’t you just spray up under the leaves with a your hose nozzle then hit them with the blower straight after? It helps if u can have someone help you by supporting the branches while ur doing it
I hear ya on the moving fast, finding them all over the place sure its not the worse case out there but they are on the move.. I dont see me breakin the cycle from now till harvest, slowin them down is probs me only hope. Id like to run some benificial bugs but that probably wont happen this time round so neem an that yates is all ive got to work with but would rather not have to use any pest sprays at this stage.. Ill start doin some readin about h2o2 baths on google for the worst case scenarios.
Look up Jorge Cervantes h202 bath on you tube. He knows what he’s doing
Its allot of work to keep on top of them by the sounds of it an i would be doing the same in your position after harvest an rippin everything down an throw everything at the room untill i was sure i killed everything then redo all equipment as i was settin it back up in the room.
Ill definetly try stayin on top of my IPM aswell altho i thought i had it under control.
Iv got a fungus an miticide pwdr/spray thats heavy on the sulphar but thought the plants were to far along to use it. Green Cleaner sounds the goods but is expensive stuff. The plants that are affected the most would be around 2.5 weeks or so into flowerin so might run the neem an natures way stuff for another week an see what happens. Cant remember if it was venus that said she has used eco neem up to week 5 or 6 without any negative side affects
Yes it was. Look I had no idea you’re only two weeks in. If you want them gone then this is what you do and has not failed me once yet.

•Hose them like I explained before.
•Once they’re dry hit them with kill-a-mite right as the suns gojng down. Use a pressure sprayer and be thorough!!
•Do the exact same thing 7 days later.
•Then about 5 days after that hit them with eco neem and continue to use that every seven days til about week 5 or 6 and just use it sparingly too not as solid as u would in veg.

You do all that and I can near guarantee your problems will be over. ;)
Sounds like you have been threw this before?
Either way thanks for the input an ill give your method a go, Wldn be anymore then 3 weeks into it atm reckon i could be being abit over protective of them at this stage as iv seem some fairly narly infestations online although i know it can be easily fixed at harvest time as lukes mentioned vacuumin them off an h2o2 baths an i found that vid by george earlier today looks fairly straight forward aswell. Rather controll them now then get over run later down the track. Ill give your system a crack an see wat happens.
Sounds like you have been threw this before?
Either way thanks for the input an ill give your method a go, Wldn be anymore then 3 weeks into it atm reckon i could be being abit over protective of them at this stage as iv seem some fairly narly infestations online although i know it can be easily fixed at harvest time as lukes mentioned vacuumin them off an h2o2 baths an i found that vid by george earlier today looks fairly straight forward aswell. Rather controll them now then get over run later down the track. Ill give your system a crack an see wat happens.
You need to get the kill-a-mite product. It’s about 40 bux but will last forever as it’s strictly one ml to one litre. This method is tried and tested outdoors and they were big girls too. Never looked back. Have done the same indoors without the hosing and again no drama mites gone. And this miticide is designed to be used on edible fruit trees too with a withholding period of 3 days.