Aussie Growers Thread

I like to dive deep into my inner physique and see which rabbit comes out of the hat
Perhaps, one day, I'll actually "get" the intricacies & mind-expansions of an acid trip.

Up until now, despite a couple of tries - NOTHING!

Edit: The 2 times I've tried it, I've already been kinda pissed & stoned already & was mentally prepared for "something else", but in never eventuated.

My mate (that was supposed to come up the mountain last weekend) told me: "If you didn't get anything, then perhaps the Universe is telling you something..."
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Perhaps, one day, I'll actually "get" the intricacies & mind-expansions of an acid trip.

Up until now, despite a couple of tries - NOTHING!

My mate (that was supposed to come up the mountain last weekend) told me: "If you didn't get anything, then perhaps the Universe is telling you something..."
Maybe or just shit lsd. Like people tell me edibles don’t do anything then I give them mine and there like holy fuck what is going on
How does everyone go about sexing their reg seeds? I had a round of chemdawg that i thought id sex by chucking in flower room till i saw first sign of sex thinking it shouldnt fuck it up really and my only chemdawg female went through this horrid stage of reveg that completely fucked the plant (in my eyes atleast) so was wondering if anyone has better techniques?
Man you're right on the money, he does do my head in - ALL OF THE FUCKING TIME! I've just got to be a little bit diplomatic about things and generally we're all sweet. Most of the time I'll just go ahead and do what I know's best for the plants without running it by him (as he does with me) and just let him see the benefits of it after I've gone and done whatever it was that I had to do. I go and acquire new cultivars and he whinges saying "I'm happy with what my mate gave me, I don't want nothing new!" and then I go and start them off anyway and now he's changed his tune and it was the best move I've ever made in his eyes.

I mean after all we're talking about a bloke who doesn't believe in manicuring as he sees it as a massive waste and doesn't cure his stuff even despite me showing him the difference in the end results. Some people are just set in their ways and will not be budged in the slightest. I keep trying to discuss/suggest all sorts of stuff in an attempt to improve the size of yields given the limited space we work with, improving the overall quality of his share of the yield and so on but alot of it gets dismissed with "Oh, that's only meant for when you're doing indoors - I don't do that shit!" and what have you.

I'm the exact opposite, I'm forever looking to improve on what I already know, get better results than last time and the rest of it. So I surely must do his head in just as much as he does my head so I guess I've always got to keep that in the back of my mind when dealing with him.
How old are you bloke im guessin your a whippa snappa in his eyes. An like most things work related its hard for the older generation to take advice or orders from the youngins
Perfect. Tbh giving them a good spray with the hose works wonders and they love it too.

I like finding lady beetles on mine too, but just look closely cos even tho lady beetles will eat spider mites their preferred diet is aphids, so just make sure u don’t have any of those too.
I like gettin my girls wet aswell ;) An with abit of luck they return the favor by puttin out some quality bud.

Apreciate you takin the time to give me some advice anyways an as said before i will hit your method up next time if i run into spider mites.

Cant say ive seen any aphips, cpl white flies or whateva there called. Look like abit of smoke ash floatin round