Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Okay thank you I’m using coco and perlite for my inside grow atm I use nutrients and know that the ph has to be around 5.8/6 and I have to water everyday till runoff .. if I mixed it with the NPK fertiliser I would just give it water would I be able to use just plain tap water or would I have to make sure it’s the correct ph?
Don’t feed coco strait water. You’ll fuck the cation exchange up and end up with magnesium and potassium issues you’ll struggle to fix. Always water with at least a weak nutrient dose, never straight tap


Well-Known Member
cmon cunts..give it a listen- its worth a like or two.
The proliferation of hairspray, make-up, tight pants & high heels on what's supposed to be a group of "blokes" made me give it a miss - I just can't take "musicians" like that seriously.

Under sufferance, I'll give it a listen, but I'm with Jimy - you're not getting a like under any circumstances, as I'm currently pondering your sexuality...:P

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The proliferation of hairspray, make-up, tight pants & high heels on what's supposed to be a group of "blokes" made me give it a miss - I just can't take "musicians" like that seriously.

Under sufferance, I'll give it a listen, but I'm with Jimy - you're not getting a like under any circumstances, as I'm currently pondering your sexuality...:P
Bands had to fight back then, nuthin looks better than a bloke in drag kicking the shit outa people and doing more drugs and women than most people in history. Well except dwarf high jump..

I dont think Jimmy was pondering my sexuality...But he is only human..


Well-Known Member
yep me 2 not going out been outside growing and have the same old worry damn termites be careful on this matter if going outside. They tend to hit yu up when it's hot and dry like it gets here in the SE. been reading how to get rid of thoes bad boys N keep thim out of my stalks. do some search to percent thim pleas it hurts so bad to see thim wilt and dry up
Huh ??


Well-Known Member
Bands had to fight back then, nuthin looks better than a bloke in drag kicking the shit outa people and doing more drugs and women than most people in history. Well except dwarf high jump..

I dont think Jimmy was pondering my sexuality...But he is only human..
Rock out in drag then go kick the crap outta the poofs down the local dunnies. Hahah the good old days from what ive heard..

Nah i wasn but aye each to their own luke, im sure ya had fun whichever side the fence you were battin from


Well-Known Member
It’s 2 clones I vegged for for 16 days under a 315w cmh. I’ll flower with the same light and I have a 100w cob in there too, it’s not running yet I’ll probably switch it on in a week.
Got the scrog set up lookin good. Still run the full net in the big tent

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Rock out in drag then go kick the crap outta the poofs down the local dunnies. Hahah the good old days from what ive heard..

Nah i wasn but aye each to their own luke, im sure ya had fun whichever side the fence you were battin from
It used to happen, thats true. I wasnt apart of it thats for sure. I was badly tagging trains and playin on wheels, I dont give a fk about someoes sexuality.

I wish i knew then what i knew now. Ive always been an AC/DC fan but ive never swung both ways. Each to there own.