Aussie Growers Thread

Apologies in advance for anything I may say, do, or suggest this evening....messyness may ensue.....

I think I've got all the caveats covered with legal disclaimers....
This stuff is so viscous, it will barely make it out of the syringe.
You got to be keen to do the winters down here. I surfed the pines a few weeks back nice little mal wave but forgot booties and got a foot cramp pretty quick lol. It was my first paddle in like 4 months my mates were more surfers then me but they have all moved to different locations around oz so haven’t been super motivated lately. My daughter and son want there own boards so should provide some inspiration.
I also miss been up north the waves are much easier to surf, well less paddling. We would sleep at Dbah in our cars other breaks as well but Dbah was our fav. this is back around 05-08 and fish the break wall for a feed, smash waves and get high as fuck. Generally lived off sausages and bread if fishing was no good and chased anything in a bikini around.
Mate that was living
Fuck that sounds good dusty.
Would of been some good times
Cultural & very sexually charged inclusion in this evening's selection:

AND a really hot the moment.... She can REALLY play that piece.
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