Aussie Growers Thread

id been getting used to buying extra big bags of brown rice and various dry beans, for years so when, covid hit i just got a westinghouse deep freeze and filled it with bulk meat, like whole topsides, a few T bones, mince and got a big butchers knife to slice it all up with

just did another brisket and lamb leg in the hark smoker

im almost sick of meat, but i got kids they hungry as
its already starting here in Aus m8, and there’s a fair few facilities open / opening.
I’m doing GMP (good manufacturing practice) and Compliance via an Aus company (I’ll msg you the details), and doing a cannabis master’s certificate online with CTU in the US.
Depending on what you want to do a degree / certificate in horticulture, or at least certificates in hydroponics may be required also.

Edit: my interest is in facility design / engineering / consulting. I’ve already got a degree in engineering. Just doing as much other stuff as I can to supplement that.
Cool id be interested in facility design but ideally id like to be a grow manager id think. I got a diploma in mechanical engineering dunno if thatd count towards anything. Cheers ledgend
i need it, i live on potatoes, wouldnt mind a steak
Get fucked. I can easily live off and pay all my bills with the regular Newstart payment. With the extra covid payment there’s zero reason to not be able to afford to eat out every night. Your a doll bludger who obviously can’t manage their money and probably blow it on shit you want but don’t actually need.