Aussie Growers Thread

Sure the bottom and top left one are not spider mites?

This is a google image not mine. The arrow is pointing to their eggs. I am obviously not certain, but positive. I have been looking at the bastards for hours on end over the last few days. It also makes sense because a few weeks ago I got a cyclamen flower thing for me mum
This is a google image not mine. The arrow is pointing to their eggs. I am obviously not certain, but positive. I have been looking at the bastards for hours on end over the last few days. It also makes sense because a few weeks ago I got a cyclamen flower thing for me mum

And they're everywhere over here apparently
@Bongsmoke420 spent a fortune on predator mites.

I think an IPM is a better solution.

If going beneficial bugs you normally hit heavy infestations with some kind of insecticide whether natural or chemical (chem has longer hold off for bug release). If it where me I’d hit them a few times over a week with eco oil and may be something else then release 1-3 different types of bugs every 1-2 week's over a 6-12 weeks period. Ie knock them down and let the bugs clean up.
Thanks LL. Getting a bit excited with a HLG LED on the way, only to discover my seed stash from a few yrs ago was thrown out. I have some that are about 4yrs old stored safe and dry but not sure they'll take. No harm trying I guess, while I source some locally.