Aussie Growers Thread

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Fungus gnat larvae eat the fine hairs of roots. Adults eat decaying matter ie. fungus. And people need to stop believing they do no harm because if the numbers are high enough they can do significant damage that I’ve experienced first hand.
They only do harm in huge numbers- not something the vast majority of home growers will experience. Only drama for us is they get stuck in the resin.
You can take a knife and cut the rootball and the plant will love u for it. hence why people use fabrick pots. No way fungaus gnats can eat roots faster than the plant can grow them unless the infestation is HUGE.


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnat larvae eat the fine hairs of roots. Adults eat decaying matter ie. fungus. And people need to stop believing they do no harm because if the numbers are high enough they can do significant damage that I’ve experienced first hand.
Again I’ve never had gnatt related issues and definitely had some bad infestations. They might highlight an issue but I doubt they cause any on their own. Hell outdoors gnatts would be considered beneficial to the soil, indoors they’re an annoyance at most. If gnatts are “causing issues” I’d say there’s other things wrong with the grow as well that I would spend more energy on fixing than the gnatts


Well-Known Member
Tap water should be 7.0. If it's not then the council need sacking (unless you live in some hell hole like Bourke or something)
Mines like 5.9-6.7 or something depending upon on what water source we are currently pulling from.
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Well-Known Member
rain tanks are the go just even a small 900 buck 4500L poly tank does a grow no problems,
but a 9000l is the way to go thats heaps of water
i just run a 12v sprayer pump through standard twin carbon filter set up comes out clean as