Aussie Growers Thread

Seriously, mate...... You've got yourself back on a good path. Don't slip because of this place, full of nutters, druggies, alcoholics & personality disorders. Not worth it.

Stay the path & do what you know is what's ultimately best for YOU!!
he gets allot of support on another chat. Big Sav has been a good boy to for awhile.
He has and will always be welcome on a chat with the jelly gang
Remind me never to get on your bad side in a personal, physical confrontation.
i once saw a couple of young guys start picking on an old guy drinking at the bar at my local.
he put up with them for ages before he did what they wanted and went outside. The bouncers and a few of us went out just in case it was a set up. One of the young guys took a swing and two punches later they were laying on the car park dazed and confused and he wandered back in to his drink.
he must of been 60 but the moves were still there. Never pick a boxer.
Tje teachr who's doing the conservation n land management course has PhDs n shit to soooo I'll be asking him a few questions doas anyone have any questions for me I would be happy to ask for yall