Aussie Growers Thread

Can’t we just stick to growing, smoking, music, cars, bikes, sports, shooting, pissing in pockets and nutzy calling random’s pedo’s.
Good call!

I've pulled my previous post, but I know it's already been seen. Once seen, it can't be "unseen". Nutzy has been "removed".

How's that OD reveg. project of yours going?
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I forgot about this thread still alive ...check this:

(HOT) Australia trials new technology to intercept seeds sent in the mail

right at the back of RIU.. you got any updates post them up

Is anyone else banned?
Gigs came and went not banned . Should be back on soon as he is on and off depending on rehab breaks.
Savs banned
klx must of gotten close to being banned but isnt.. Yanks dont like the truth coming from outside their country and dont like the word cunt. Even in the politics section..
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