Well-Known Member
The FC-6500 MH light has IR and UV. It also has good reviews and 640W output and that is more powerful than 2 of the GLA plug and play lights.
You're assuming I didn't look at the GLA lights and give them a fair assessment.
The MH FC-6500 is just shy of A$1,400 delivered now. I bought mine during the sale.
UVA maybe doubt they have uvb. Doubt they’re using decent diodes but. I’d also be sceptical on their efficiency claims and what diodes and bin they’re using. End of the day they’re just more Chinese crap. I prefer manufacturers that source and lay their own diodes like hlg and gla over dodge china boards/strips.
I also didn’t see one listed under $1600 aud so almost 3 plug and play highlights 420 boards (more if you go diy) which would shit all over it.