Aussie Growers Thread

Yep! Got you pegged.

Source of the chemicals? I've asked this a number of times now....
Yeah, had to have a look at EBay. Like I said, I got it pre covid, been in fridge ever since. The seller is no longer there, but he had sold 100's with top reviews. If it was a scam, I doubt they would have included all the health warnings. But about $30 delivered for 10g I think, don't fancy dragging it out of fridge again.

Se till covid happened there used to niche resellers. Nobody wants a kg of silver nitrate, so there was a market for people to buy bulk, resell small quantity + markup. Bit like that bloke that was selling mega crop. Guess he got impacted by covid as well (farmer something or other, can't remember).

But it's not hard to find. AgNo3 silver nitrate was commonly used in old school photography, not so common now. sells 25g for $70. Just Google it if I screwed up the link.

Same with sodium thiosulfate. It's used in pool/aquarium supplies, but you buy it by kg. Cheap as chips but! But I'd never use that in several lifetimes.

These are legal compounds, but since covid I guess people are having issues getting stuff into the country. Think Bully said he has exp with STS. He may have bought it more recently than me.

Good luck
Also @Rewerb you seem cluey with these things, when I looked into AgNo3 I came across tutorials on how to make it. Pretty toxic process though. And probably cheaper to buy finished product unless your gonna makes stacks of it.

Good luck
you can’t be serious lol, please put a pic up I want to see what a 600 bag looks like hahaha.

id be expecting gold plated buds for that coin.

Deadly serious, what do I have to gain anonymously bullshitting to anonymous strangers on the internet?

I almost felt bad charging that at first, but after seeing the Vietnamese pgr getting around for $400-450/oz around here I can justify it.

Gotta remember money ain't what it used to be here, prices can't stay the same forever, 2 litres of milk is easily over $5 if you go brand name, million dollar mortgages are becoming the new normal.

Will get pics after this harvest, the tin foil hat wearer in me makes sure I don't keep pics/phones/accounts for very long.
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you can’t be serious lol, please put a pic up I want to see what a 600 bag looks like hahaha.

id be expecting gold plated buds for that coin.
People who want quality will pay. Also Insta idiots wanting that “Cali bud” and have no idea what actual good weed is will also pay. As I said people here are regularly paying 300+oz for wet mouldy pgr. It’s hard to impossible to get quality for less than $350. I charge anywhere from $350 for mates up to $450 for people I don’t know.
People who want quality will pay. Also Insta idiots wanting that “Cali bud” and have no idea what actual good weed is will also pay. As I said people here are regularly paying 300+oz for wet mouldy pgr. It’s hard to impossible to get quality for less than $350. I charge anywhere from $350 for mates up to $450 for people I don’t know.
350 thats not mates rate. 250 is
350 thats not mates rate. 250 is
Yeah and I’d tell my mate to try buy an oz somewhere else and come back for a sesh. I won’t be smoking what they bring back but. I real mate will pay you what your product deserves and doesn’t stand around wanting a handout. Most of mine have offered to pay more but as I said, mates rates.
Yeah and I’d tell my mate to try buy an oz somewhere else and come back for a sesh. I won’t be smoking what they bring back but. I real mate will pay you what your product deserves and doesn’t stand around wanting a handout. Most of mine have offered to pay more but as I said, mates rates.
Props to you for selling 400 ounces. I couldnt do that i would feel bad.