Aussie Growers Thread

Haha nah mate he means Vaporiser. Storz & Bickel make one called the "mighty", it's supposed to be top notch. I've just ordered a Crafty+ which should arrive soon so I'll let you know how that goes once it gets here, it's the Mightys little brother.

And you think a Delonghi is pricey? Go price up a couple Quest 155 Dehums and get back to me. View attachment 4884724

You got me! I'm a hobby grower, 2 plants perpetual. Perso only, don't buy or sell. Wtf is a vaporiser?
Really would like to know, why CS over STS? NL over what?
I used CS because I didn't have access to the silver nitrate to make STS, I now do so will use STS from here on.
I used a clone of some old NL beans I popped and will be pollinating the other female NL in the tent to make S1's.
Yep agree. Once you've setup your grow, if you're any good at it that is, it should be the easiest money you've ever made

Unless that work for a mob for a few years and you are the local tech for a few contracts and one by one those contracts end but nobody pays any attention but all the work you did has dried up and you just wake up each day and do whatever the fuck you want and the salary appears in the bank every Thursday without fail....could happen surely?
I used CS because I didn't have access to the silver nitrate to make STS, I now do so will use STS from here on.
I used a clone of some old NL beans I popped and will be pollinating the other female NL in the tent to make S1's.
I'm having problems sourcing the silver nitrate for a decent price. Got a link you can share?
I used CS because I didn't have access to the silver nitrate to make STS, I now do so will use STS from here on.
I used a clone of some old NL beans I popped and will be pollinating the other female NL in the tent to make S1's.
Sounds awesome mate. Bodhi apparently did a rejig of NL5. Can only dream.

NL from where? If you don't mind me asking.
Thinking about buying a mighty vaporizer, anyone use one, if not what do you recommend

Have a look at the Boundless CFX (conduction) and CFV (hybrid conduction/convection w/ replaceable 18650s), like the S&B stuff but a bit cheaper... All the handhelds require regular cleaning or they end up with a fried on mess that's almost impossible to remove, even with iso, keep on top of it or you'll be chucking the thing out. Arizer Solo another one to look at, or if you don't need the portability you can start looking at desktop units. Few online retailers in Aus sell them, shop around for a deal. Check the fuck combustion forum for lots of info, might be newer stuff that's come out recently, it's a fast moving segment. Pros and cons to all of them, but ultimately they're just chambers that heat to ~200c and allow you to suck canabanoids w/o tarring your lungs :-)

If you vape at <200c you can save the vaped material and run it through one of those little stovetop coffee majiggers to make some nice relaxing butter that's great for sleep. Bung 50/50 water and coconut oil in the bottom, vaped material where the coffee would go, 5min on the stove and pour into a container, slap it in the fridge to solidify and away you go. Careful with it though, first run I did I dosed myself about 5x what I should have (used bud that was vaped at 185c so still plenty of active canabanoids), had to go hide in bed for a day and a half, was still feeling a bit fucked 4 days later! I'm a genius.

If you just want a cheapo to see if you like them, go to aliexpress and type in "dry herb vaporizer", pick a cheap one you like the looks of that allows you to set the temp in 1c increments, they're all pretty disposable at <$30. 185-210c is the sweet spot, under that and you don't get much, over that and you start getting other shit coming off in the vapour.

Figured I'd type a bit of info out as I'm sure some others will find it interesting. Good luck finding something you like :-)