Aussie Growers Thread

Just a heads up that if you're on the east coast, orders from the US are coming into Sydney. My friend got one in this afternoon and the tracking says it came into Sydney first!
Just a heads up that if you're on the east coast, orders from the US are coming into Sydney. My friend got one in this afternoon and the tracking says it came into Sydney first!
Yes i been saying that for weeks mate
Sydney been near on 100% thru but melb is in the negative
Really tho id like someone in the states with the balls to send us genetics obviously.with us paying for time and effort
If i was guaranteed genetics i choose id happily pay double the money
How about Abamectin as mite control?...........
Yeah, was doing a bit of fishing. No bites.

A bloke here said the stuff might cause cancer if smoked, yeah? Saffa? I had mites, so looked into it.

A well respected member os @curious2garden stated in a thread "Avid mite killer" that the product had likely issues of neurotoxins, particularly if smoked. C2G backed it up further by stating the product was effective, but best to clone out 3 times prior to consumption.

Screwy thing is that they still sell the stuff in Aus hydro shops as "Kill-A-Mite"....go figure. Good luck fellahs!
DSK x A11
Hey LL, how ya doin? Yeah, fishing again! No bites. You grew it out yeah? How was the smoke?

Did Saffa find the Genius pheno amongst the A11? Was curious to figure out why not the A13?

Think a couple of blokes here tried Dark Star Kush....local smoke updates are hard to find.

Good luck fellah!
I am after some new genetics to bugger around with, from what I see here if you order from US stuff s getting in, I have heard mixed reviews about Oz Bkd Bnz -was gonna try local but their website is really ambiguous, so you reckon pull the pin on a small batch from the US instead?
I am after some new genetics to bugger around with, from what I see here if you order from US stuff s getting in, I have heard mixed reviews about Oz Bkd Bnz -was gonna try local but their website is really ambiguous, so you reckon pull the pin on a small batch from the US instead?
For what it is worth I just got an order through ilgm and in good time
But the price of their stock is almost double
I did read somewhere where they send a bulk order through to Sydney and then it is repackaged to the individual Australian addresses,, how they achieve this who knows
As for ABB. No problems and half reasonable prices for an internal system
As for attitude I still have an order sitting in Melbourne been there for 2 weeks
Yes i been saying that for weeks mate
Sydney been near on 100% thru but melb is in the negative
Really tho id like someone in the states with the balls to send us genetics obviously.with us paying for time and effort
If i was guaranteed genetics i choose id happily pay double the money
I was surprised they came through sydney when we're in tassie, I would've thought they'd come through melbs for sure!
What genetics are you looking for specifically? I've got a few hookups, I may be able to help!
Of course it was, the Hayes have their own chemist/scientist. Wherever the $$$ are to be made blokes will try to find an edge. Always back the third string g &a Williams horse in a big race. Usually salute at juicy odds
Hey brother, hope your doin well! Don't bet much nowadays, but can't help but notice Lloyd Williams pretty much tips the trifecta in the big one every year. Still remember him tipping some bloody uk camel that had lead up form of a picnic race over there. It only placed, but paid $16 for the place! totally fucked my Tri, had 1st to 5th, except that effin camel! Can't remember it's name, something to do with dynamite? Have to look it up. Cheers mate!......just remembered....Max fucking Dynamite!
Dieldrin for termites as a soil drench, in the 80's.
Yeah, sorry man fishing again. Those three were sold as mite/pest control to home gardeners for a fair while. Think Dicofol and Grays Kelthane were marketed for years as a mite control. only got banned 2017/2018.

Doesn't surprise me they now use it for termites. Good luck mat!
This will be the last of my fishing on mite control!


Chromobacterium Subtsugae?

Us Aussies seem to be a bit slow on uptake......

I find not getting mites to be the best form of mite control.

'made a few hundred caps for my sister this arvo - it's her birthday & she's swapped a nightly Endone for my 1/4 strength cap's after 20 years on the shit:

Thats brilliant. My misso has chronic back pain and reckons the caps are good for pain relief so I don't doubt your sister is benefitting. I build tolerance to them so keeping rotating strains and making batches of mixed harvests seems to help with that
For what it is worth I just got an order through ilgm and in good time
But the price of their stock is almost double
I did read somewhere where they send a bulk order through to Sydney and then it is repackaged to the individual Australian addresses,, how they achieve this who knows
As for ABB. No problems and half reasonable prices for an internal system
As for attitude I still have an order sitting in Melbourne been there for 2 weeks
Cheers mate, yeah attitude I got a lot thru in November thru Syd but have not tried again as the germination was pretty woeful, thanks for the info , much appreciated.