Aussie Growers Thread

The role of the mods is to monitor threads and ensure “clean” interaction and discussion between forum members.
They peruse through active threads daily - that is what they are employed to do.
They don’t just sit around doing nothing and oblivious until they’re summoned by someone hitting the report button.
Thats bullshit and you know it
Bout time to let the bullshit slide and let the thread just be the thread its meant to be
Weed pics please
The role of the mods is to monitor threads and ensure “clean” interaction and discussion between forum members.
They peruse through active threads daily - that is what they are employed to do.
They don’t just sit around doing nothing and oblivious until they’re summoned by someone hitting the report button.
Bullshit, seen the venom in the political threads?
Just got pulled over by the undercover po po told me im speeding like a lunatic haha was only doing 130km in 70 zone past the fuckers. Slut let me off. She got abit mad when i didnt pull over for like a km haha Had to make sure i was parked under a camera. Corrupt fuckers around here. Told her it wasnt safe to pull over back their. Trucks lose their brakes at the bottom of that mountain
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Yes I have but it’s a bit of “enter at your own risk” in the politics section and Bucky and anyone who backs him seem to have free reign
UB speaks sense 98% of the time. He is a bit of a Zionist but apart from that his politics and social are sound. Ive always found him to be amusing to banter against when we disagree on something. He doesn't take shit to heart like some on here..
Yeah mate, things are looking good to kick back and just do the things I want to.
party at yours!
I was speaking to an old old friend this week (coffee girl for those who know of her).
50 years old and thinking of retiring at the end of the year. Will also inherit a farm and a bucket load of cash in the next 5 to 15 years. So Jelly, ill be semi retired till the day i die i think.
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