Aussie Growers Thread

Hey has anyone had experience with or smoked out of a cyclone? Purchasing one tomorrow, wondering what delivery time is like, what the free gift usually is and anyone used a carbon filter on their glass piece? Cheers everyone, oh and true it'll go back to the post office but the postie will leave a notice in the letterbox letting you know what depot and time you can get your parcel. If aus post's tracking say's it's been sitting at customs for two weeks and hasn't moved then yeah i'd call it a day on those one's. The crackdown in customs on seeds isn't a rumor or conspiracy, it's really happening right now, certain states are ahead of others with picking things up, qld, wa and nsw in certain parts seem the most affected at this point, sa and melb are still recieving orders with only the usual amount vanishing. One change i will alert the riu community to is that certain items don't attract the automatic seizure letter anymore, they are hanging onto them now and keeping track so be careful, don't just reorder or order to close together. They wouldn't waste their time over 10 beans in a once off order but three or four to the same person will put a target on you immediately

ive dealt with ozbongs, purchased a few glass cones, didn't get a freebie or anything, think the freebies are usually just roll papers or something new in stock that's cheap. haven't tried the cyclone bong due to buying a pimped out one from a store in Cali. id still suggest this site if u actually want NICE glass -
prob stocks the best glass in the world period.
good luck on a find!

EDIT - delivery time for ozbongs is genarally 1week or less, anything out of Aust. will be 7-14days. Carbon filters are alright, just go pet store and get a bag of active carbon to replace when needed, you might also like to look at ashcatchers. best online bongs, pipes, accessories for Aussies.

Regarding beans again, all this talk about what customs do and don't is all forum talk and third party stories, buy from trusted sites with garuanted shipping and you will get your order. I mean, so much so but Atittude fucked up somehow and doubled shipped my order and the second one arrived today, all perfect just like the other 6 orders I've done and received, planetskunk, attitude & seedsman are all reputable for Australians.
hows it goin? sorry to moan just having really bad luck ordering seeds at the min, twice failed, one from and the other from seedsman, is anybody else in the brisbane area having problems at the min?
hows it goin? sorry to moan just having really bad luck ordering seeds at the min, twice failed, one from and the other from seedsman, is anybody else in the brisbane area having problems at the min?

lost 2 orders in the last few weeks, auspost says they are sitting at the brisbane customs depot
It seems once they snag one of your packages then you go on a list and everything with your name on it from now on gets red flagged and gone over with a fine tooth comb. Have a very close friend who works in that particular customs department that's been giving me the heads up, just passing it along :)
this is correct. i orderd some roids 14days ago with 50% chance of gtting thru customs, i just got a letter today from border security"customs" it said this was a warning put the have recorded it and next time it wont be. just a heads up.
seedmadness, and have all came thru for me. and "ams" gives u 20 free seeds with every order, some of them are crap but about half sometimes more turn out good...i occasionally get autos from the free seeds.
ROFLMAO its quite apparent that some have major memory issues and probs need to get off the bud not on it !!!

Can we please stop spamming this thread with pointless info about seed orders, use search and go back through the thread, its been covered 1000000000000000000000000000 times, sorta gets annoying when you come here and every time you open this thread its the same useless info about seeds.
Hope that's not targetted at me.. I just posted info on when and where I got my seeds from given I'm a new grower and that information would've been helpful to me when ordereing thus helpful those anyone else looking to import into aus.
Hope that's not targetted at me.. I just posted info on when and where I got my seeds from given I'm a new grower and that information would've been helpful to me when ordereing thus helpful those anyone else looking to import into aus.

fellow aussie, there is a SEARCH button for a reason, lol, or try starting at the beginning of a thread and not just posting on the last page cause your to lazy to look through it. Not directed at any one particular person either.
[420]Haze;6165065 said:
fellow aussie, there is a SEARCH button for a reason, lol, or try starting at the beginning of a thread and not just posting on the last page cause your to lazy to look through it. Not directed at any one particular person either.

If someone got seeds 12-24 months ago, that doesn't really help me to know if an order will still get through. I don't see the big deal sharing updates.