Aussie Growers Thread

Someone killed my god father similar way. Motor cyclist hit the passenger side where he was sitting doing like 200kms
Sorry to hear that mate ...I've worked for years with an older guy who's 20 yr old daughter was killed due to the dude driving a hotted up commy doing 220ks..poor bugger is always bitter I sympathize
Been and gone mate your safe now
Was 8 months ago
Fuck that would piss ya right off, i know there prob a good story behind what happened over there at GPS dunno if i cbf reading up on it tho, but hype strains and fuckin greed will bring more and more of this shit out the woodwork.... Cunts
theres about 700 pages devoted to the dodgy fems in the greenpoint thread
I lost interest in the greenpoint thread, some crums in there lol....
Everyones gotta swing there dick about:sleep::sleep:
Fuck that would piss ya right off, i know there prob a good story behind what happened over there at GPS dunno if i cbf reading up on it tho, but hype strains and fuckin greed will bring more and more of this shit out the woodwork.... Cunts

I lost interest in the greenpoint thread, some crums in there lol....
Everyones gotta swing there dick about:sleep::sleep:
Just some cunt trying to RIP gps off mate but also some wankers in there