Aussie Growers Thread

I remember him as a self-centered, egotistical prick that just wanted the limelight.
pretty much but he's heart was in the right place and he got jacked

and 400 time better than a welsh ranga, what were they thinking,

only to put him back in for the same reason they kicked him out later opposed to inhaling combusted plant material???

Thank you, my sweet, but I honestly think that's just bullshit pumped by the people with a vested interest. Vaping is Vaping, not SMOKing.

she’s referring to the bunch of people who got caustic burns to their lungs from dodgy vape products.
i saw that thing up the back of your place b4, when you did your best bear grills impersonation

and thought hes not got weed in there yet, is he?

i was wrong,, ya actually did start to early, in there,

dispite beernuts, amazement you need to move them into a green house when they almost done and b4 big soaking rains come your way in winter

to finish off and flush without frost or rain damage

is what they for frost in winter, right youve been to london right?

or yes nutzy, you will loose half your trics, on the side that gets hit by the rain

but if you put them in there to early (say on a 40 plus day),with no sprinker (if you had a tap or sprinkler timer to come on at lunch if at work)

just turn on the oven :wall:

climate change takes another casualty, they would have made it if labor carbon tax laws were still in

and they left kevin rudd in charge :lol:
I think that was possibly aimed at me, but I'm not totally sure....? There was no quote to follow it back-to & was kinda "weed-rambling".
I think that was possibly aimed at me, but I'm not totally sure....? There was no quote to follow it back-to & was kinda "weed-rambling".
yes, it was

i dont do quotes all the time

plus the yerba buena post was for you
Yerba Buena :weed:

what a green house sposed to look like:weed:

can you read that
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A licensed growing person i know has had the sme problems albiet less severe in his green house. In tassies much cooler climate he has been seeing 60s C. Had to add some massive fans and a misting system. Green houses are hard to get right to suit our summer conditions.
Yeah, they're great up to a point, but then become a liability, rather than an asset.

The chillies are absolutely LOVING the heat & humidity (even in small fabric pots), but those two weed plants went tits-up in a single day.
pretty much but he's heart was in the right place and he got jacked

and 400 time better than a welsh ranga, what were they thinking,

only to put him back in for the same reason they kicked him out later

Gillard got more done for this country while having a minority government and hostile crossbench than any other government since. Probably our most underrated pm
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your greenhouse is gonna turn into a hot house on a 40 plus day

p.s for rewerb

(i shouldnt have to say it tho)
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yes, it was

i dont do quotes all the time

plus the yerba buena post was for you
Yerba Buena :weed:

what a green house sposed to look like:weed:

can you read that stonner
Sorry, I missed it. What message were you trying to impart?

BTW, I haven't smoked anything in a couple of weeks.

Pot/Kettle thing perchance?
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youve lost it reza

wheres doctor phil

she got bagged hard by the liberals and media but she got more done in a shorter time than any government post Howard all with a minority government and hostile cross bench she had to negotiate with. If you actually go look at what she accomplished in her time in office you would see she would have been a great leader for our country if given more time
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watch the video i posted after you posted where your plants died(with a beer or two) download it watch it ten times, if you have to,,, it helps

ps 4 rewerb
she got bagged hard by the liberals and media but she got more done in a shorter time than any government post Howard all with a minority government and hostile cross bench she had to negotiate with. If you actually go look at what she accomplished in her time in office you would see she would have been a great leader for our country if given more time
fuck your deluded

what rudd would have done nothing if left alone, he was back stabbed and then they had the audacity to ask him to come back

because they realized a fat ugly welsh mole doesn't pass the pub test
almost 7 pm here lights on i gotta go do some yerba buena shit myself watering ipm etc

see yas on the flipside
fuck your deluded

what rudd would have done nothing if left alone, he was back stabbed and then they had the audacity to ask him to come back

because they realized a fat ugly welsh mole doesn't pass the pub test

just because she had poor public opinion doesn’t negate the fact she actually got shit done. She actually got legislation past parliament without holding a majority in any house and she’s as much to thank as Rudd for saving our economy during the gfc.

Rudd only made it back in because the Labour Party was fractured leading up to an election and he played on that and their fears. Personally I think Gillard was much better than Rudd even if she was less liked by the public because of the liberal and Murdoch slur campaigns.

also Rudd was getting fuck all done. He barely had his own parties confidence let alone the hostile senate. He was a popular pm but he was a shitty one