Aussie Growers Thread

just because she had poor public opinion doesn’t negate the fact she actually got shit done. She actually got legislation past parliament without holding a majority in any house and she’s as much to thank as Rudd for saving our economy during the gfc.

Rudd only made it back in because the Labour Party was fractured leading up to an election and he played on that and their fears. Personally I think Gillard was much better than Rudd even if she was less liked by the public because of the liberal and Murdoch slur campaigns.

also Rudd was getting fuck all done. He barely had his own parties confidence let alone the hostile senate. He was a popular pm but he was a shitty one
Kylie minogue did alright

if he gets them back alive im a monkey's uncle

you guys are in for more heat if it was anything like what i just had, i litterally stayed with then during the heat of the day

to keep them alive
I've already stated I didn't water mine today at 45 degrees or looked in on them
The pic I posted is yesterday 7pm
Hayleys comet

I remember the nite that comet was meant to be on visual show for us....I can also remember my fingers inside of a girl as we were out on the school.oval 9pm at nite looking for the comet and I had other thoughts as a teenager
fuck you started young then

that was decades ago
its alot hotter where im at than most you's in vic, or nsw

my ac has been cracking for weeks now, and me outside girl would look like rewerbs if i didnt keep em wet at lunch time

is all im saying take it or leave it
so you admit you where wrong than?
Well think about what I initially said. . That at that time the common dominator in 200 or so cases was the use of thc products. I guess since then they figured it was the vit e acetate. Now the claim is the highest amounts of vit e acetate are in thc products. “” vaping products containing THC are linked to most of the cases and play a major role in the outbreak””..
its alot hotter where im at than most you's in vic, or nsw

my ac has been cracking for weeks now, and me outside girl would look like rewerbs if i didnt keep em wet at lunch time

is all im saying take it leave it

welcome to Australia. You are not in a unique situation.
mate no disrespect but your place is completely different to mine and rewerbs

yours are in the burbs well shaded ,ventilated, and fenced, me and rewerbs are in sort of bush blocks, which require us to build our own structures

and maintain the temps and ventilation inside of it

yours are in heavilly water soil, you been watering for months

me and rewerb in coco perlite pots which need daily waterings

im to busy for this

wake up and stop bitching
I water everyday bar the odd no water once a fortnite
U Just said u water everyday to
I'm in full sun it's just professional greenhouse shadecloth not Cheap crap
I'm not in the burbs I have 3 neighbours around me over on over 1 hectare blocks
I walk out front no house...just mountains
I would call my area semi rural at best

My castle isn't much difference to yours
Different houses n areas don't mean one.has more advantages unless the weather is kinder in one place more than the other
We have had more days over than days between 34-38 in the last 3 month period

Stop sounding like woe is me advert yuour meant to be an aussie
Dry herb vaping for the win ;)

Irritates me the two get confused on this issue.

The HPLC analysis of the vapor found that the Volcano delivered 36%–61% of the THC in the sample, a delivery efficiency that compares favorably to that of marijuana cigarettes.

The GC/MS analysis showed that the gas phase of the vapor consisted overwhelmingly of cannabinoids, with trace amounts of three other compounds. In contrast, over 111 compounds were identified in the combusted smoke, including several known PAHs.

The results indicate that vaporization can deliver therapeutic doses of cannabinoids with a drastic reduction in pyrolytic smoke compounds. Vaporization therefore appears to be an attractive alternative to smoked marijuana for future medical cannabis studies.

Went hard last few days on some lollipoppin an yea i know its widely debated its not needed outdoor but in my little jungle i think its needed first few plants i wasn liking the idea at all thick as fk canopy so they should take it well.. I might get some pics up tomoz of the damage.. shoulda done a few before an after shots..
Definitely works outside mate
I lollipop 100% if I have topped my.plants
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I water everyday bar the odd no water once a fortnite
U Just said u water everyday to
I'm in full sun it's just professional greenhouse shadecloth not Cheap crap
I'm not in the burbs I have 3 neighbours around me over on over 1 hectare blocks
I walk out front no house...just mountains
I would call my area semi rural at best

My castle isn't much difference to yours
Different houses n areas don't mean one.has more advantages unless the weather is kinder in one place more than the other
We have had more days over than days between 34-38 in the last 3 month period

Stop sounding like woe is me advert yuour meant to be an aussie
you still talking crap

your place is not a farm in the outback

i bet you can just drive to the beach in less than an hour or two
oh it definitely needed on some plants. Especially in more humid climates so you get adequate air flow. A lot of guys growing large plants outdoors will effectively strip out the guts so you don’t end up with a centre pocket getting no airflow.
Where im at its a dry as f sorta heat its a struggle to keep even the grass alive durin summer but because how i set up most of plants the airflow an heat become a real issue an due to lack of air flow it becomes real humid but has only started since they have easily if not more then doubled in size from the strecth so lack of airflow an to many plants is provin to be a battle but if i get on top of it all now as they hvnt kicked into flowerin yet i should still manage to get some good bud outta it
it gets hot here b4 the weather system gets over east to you guys so i spose i am in a unique situation

i could let you know two days before you cop it

heat waves, down pours

just ask ya monkeys uncle
I live in.the driest state in oz
I'll take your heat and raise u 4 degrees average