Aussie Outdoor 08/09


Well-Known Member
lol this is hilarious. Ok man you know what.. in a way we are all cops... because noone knows who is one.. sorry for insulting you if you aren't one ok. All my appologies... happy growing and happy smoking and fuck the fascist cop cunts and fuck the fascist british controlled australian government... those motherfucking cunts. You know what fuck all authority that has ever persecuted anyone for smoking the sacred ganja!


Well-Known Member
amen to that.

i actually mainly smoke for my pain, if i didnt have weed id be fucked.... not gonna lie tho.. i have to admit its a social thing too...
and as long ass my arse points at the ground im gonna be smoking weed.. sorry to say but thats the way it is..

also sorry for getting edgy but i like you seem to be too am paranoid.. but i was serious in what i said tho even if i was a bit harsh in doing so.

sorry about that dude


Well-Known Member
yeah i was wandering wat was up.... the weathers pretty bareable where im from atm. we just got through a few hot days tho.... damn it was hot... i dont come from those two states so im right :). i was born in vic tho will have to go see it sometime havent once been there in ma whole life since i was born :(


Active Member
well done jester, killed this thread... all u need mention is 3 letters, and aussie stoners panic, understandably


Well-Known Member
yeah whatever dude.

i didnt ruin shit

ppl throwin round fake accusations ruined this thread, not me....

like i said im the one who got raided remember... that means people dobbed on me not the other way around.

and no i couldnt blame them "if i actually was a dog cunt, but im not"
so you reckon they stopped replying cos someone offended me and i set them strait... so get lost
your a loser stakka... your a stranger to this community and from what i can tell " you dont know shit... make a contrabution not a fuckin post in hopes to boost your post count dummy.. then i may listen to you....
but for now c ya stakka.

oh yeah i wouldnt have had to go into details if people didnt ask questions about what happened so yeah.

id hardly say its my fault.... so far all im getting from my fellow ozzies is called offensive words...

but if anyone feels i have ruined the thread im sorry. i didnt mean too.
but stacka your a unit.. not even a good one


Well-Known Member
now that the testosterone has been used up maybe we can go back to the subject at hand :hump:

i have just uploaded some updates on some of my projects i have going.
the one in flower is a diesel ryder with a couple of weeks left to go

the hedge is doing well and it has created a wind break...:-)

and my little monster is doing well:hump:




Well-Known Member
umm for newbs if they could be seeing the stipules as hairs. they can kinda look like it when they die off.... i thought the same thing once maself.

but i do know its probably quite possible they are budding. depends where they are.
and the plants condition.. the sun a may have changed position due to ratation, time of year and what not, and now the plants get a lot more shade than they were.

i do think the stipules could be misleading some people perhaps.... i dunno... but i do know it took me a while to notice them when i was first growin lol
but i reckon mainly just time and place of planting.

but plz dont take the stipules thing too seriously... this is what i put it down to. if anyone knows im wrong about these little hair things being dead stipules pleas feel free to correct me... id actually like to know thanks


Well-Known Member
now that the testosterone has been used up maybe we can go back to the subject at hand :hump:

i have just uploaded some updates on some of my projects i have going.
the one in flower is a diesel ryder with a couple of weeks left to go

the hedge is doing well and it has created a wind break...:-)

and my little monster is doing well:hump:

wow lucky.

i envy you dude. were in a bit of a drought atm (well kinda anyways its around just hard to find..)

you must be creaming:hump:


Active Member
well my 6 plants are starting to show sex at the moment so trying to determine whats what.

so far i have 3 definite female, 1 almost definite male, 1 possible female, and one no idea but i reckon it will be male, which is a shame as its my best plant.

so i think i'm looking at a 4/6 female ratio, which is pretty good all things considered. if i had a good enough camera i would post up pics so everyone could see...but i dont :(


Active Member
ok there can be a few variables in this one i checked the plant today haven't visited it in 10 days.
On the last visit i upped the P and K probably a bad decision (still in veg) and this has resulted in the lower fan leaves turning yellowish.
I added more N today hopefully that will fix it. The only other thing that could have done this was the heat wave we had in the last two days also i dont water as much i let the water storage crystals do the work.
Please help

Heres the pics, the plant is just over one meter tall



Well-Known Member
id say the hat and lack of water were probably the main factors. (the N & P) wouldnt have helped this either.

i reckon maybe your plant just soaked up the water and nutrients a bit quicker than usual and fried itself, like you said.

did you take the leaf off the plant and take the pic strait away?????
it looks dry as hell
so yeah i think that could have contributed greatly.

so do you think you over fertilized or under????

as long as its not to bad i wouldnt worry you will quite often lose some leaves as the plants grow..


Active Member
id say the hat and lack of water were probably the main factors. (the N & P) wouldnt have helped this either.

i reckon maybe your plant just soaked up the water and nutrients a bit quicker than usual and fried itself, like you said.

did you take the leaf off the plant and take the pic strait away?????
it looks dry as hell
so yeah i think that could have contributed greatly.

so do you think you over fertilized or under????

as long as its not to bad i wouldnt worry you will quite often lose some leaves as the plants grow..
i dont think i over fertilized it, the leaf felt kinda dry when i picked it i might jus have to visit it i lil more often cheers man


Well-Known Member
that would be my guess.. try make the visits in morning or sunset if you can... this will also help, as too it wont be too hot, Prefferbly fitst thing in the morning.

yeah the leaf looked dry to me. a few decent drinks will solve that....

just dont get too protective now and over do it. your plant made it through a good stint and if youve got it back on track guaranteed itl probably survive it again.
just avoid it if you can lol


Well-Known Member
oh dear... anyone who has outdoor plants in syd.. the will be wilted to the shithouse today.. hopefully the weather pulls through and gives some rain and cooler conditions.. im hoping for a huge thunderstorm.