Aussie outdoor flowering,light schedule Q?


Well-Known Member
Thought id give a quick update on my plants.
Yellow bucket is probly a week or 2 into flower atm (im not being so anal on counting the days of veg/flower as i was my last grow).
Blue bucket was just transplanted from a very small container,i put a nice thick layer of compost in, full of maggots n all other good stuff so she should kick on in the next week or 2 hopefully.
Black container is from a seed produced by my first female (which i am currently re-vegging).
I also cut 4 clones today,1 from each plant growing in hydro.



Well-Known Member
nice keep up the good work beginner bloomer everythings looking good.

did you put them in about december/jan????


Well-Known Member
Yeh i started the one in the yellow bucket round mid DEC,the blue bucket is prolly a couple months older but is stunted due to the tiny pot it was in up until a week ago,it had also started flowering but it reverted back to veg i think also coz of the pot size and sum dickhead smashed it with pyrethrum n almost killed it but it pulled through.


Well-Known Member
Yeh i started the one in the yellow bucket round mid DEC,the blue bucket is prolly a couple months older but is stunted due to the tiny pot it was in up until a week ago,it had also started flowering but it reverted back to veg i think also coz of the pot size and sum dickhead smashed it with pyrethrum n almost killed it but it pulled through.
a shade box woulda kept it in flower. as for the pot size 1 foot per 3 gaallons i think not sure i think thats close tho. if it was in a small pot your biggest enemy would have been the roots getting to hot perhaps and that would have stunted it more... oh wells its in the past now there on there way arent they ;)


Well-Known Member
a shade box woulda kept it in flower. as for the pot size 1 foot per 3 gaallons i think not sure i think thats close tho. if it was in a small pot your biggest enemy would have been the roots getting to hot perhaps and that would have stunted it more... oh wells its in the past now there on there way arent they ;)
They are indeed my friend,im so fukin excited by these 2 i tell ya,these are me first plants ive grown completely outdoors n that 1 in the yellow bucket is lookin freakin delicious,even though i only really smoke on the odd occasion these days i dont think ill be able to help myself when shes done. :weed:


Well-Known Member
welcvome to the light.... i like bushies best maself :)

i go through weed like its going out of fasion when we all know green's the new white these days lol ;) stock prices are crazy where im from atm, so grow your own is a must these days.

my fvourite weed is sstarted indooes and finished outdoors to be completely honest.

and to top it off someone i know had theyre plants ripped the other day which means the rippers are out..... good thing my baby isnt at home anymore.

i find outdoor plants are bettter cos you can grow each plant without ever having size issues really.... in my eyes the bigger the better.
even in hydros i always plan on decent sized plants. dont get me wrong sog/scrog is cool but i just like watching plants grow its a sorta thereputic thing. i like bigger plants, and like i said i like indoor/outdoor plants

that and im kinda the over working with clones idea, i gots new ideas now lol ;).


Well-Known Member
what you mean high pressure spray down filar feed????

personally id say yes but youd wnt to start leaving the foilar feeding out of the equation soon dont wan partsto startdeveloping mold now do we lol..

but yeah go for it. my baby SHIVA has just hit two months two days ago or something about a metre tall and its about as progressed as yours.... anyhoo it got pelted by rain the other day and shes fine im not worried in the least. they arent that far along and dont have to much to trap the water ya know :)


Well-Known Member
Pyrithum spray from bunnings (prepackaged spray) or
neem oil from nursery in spray bottle with water and drench


Well-Known Member
ummm you could prolly just hit it one last set but once the buds really start i preffer not too.... i also use some pretty deadly shit so yeah i just dont wanna get tahat on the buds.

just make sure youve got your bud ridding cycle done before they start to get too much bigger. i would also foilar spray a few times after infestations gone but thats just me :)


Well-Known Member
yeh i wanted to give 1 high pressure spray with plain water now,then ill prolly spray like every 3rd day for maybe 2 weeks with a homemade spray of garlic chilli,soap & water. anyone used that?


Well-Known Member
ah i just use deadly shit and keep the problem in check. something i knows going to work :)

ive seen some good reviews on using similar mixes and bad ones.

i always have my pests sorted 5/6 days after noticing them. thats when i cease treatment and wait then give a couple foilar feeds to take the shit off.... i dont like foilar feeding during flower so i try keep away from sparaying them with anything during this stage...

it should work tho :)


Well-Known Member
i had a bug problm then i got rid of the bugs with kill-a-might havent had a problem sinse i had praying mantis's move in as well..... i figured leave them PREDATOR BUGS
they will protect my plants :) been doiin a good job too havent had to bring out the kill-a-mite again yet lol.

i gotta say they are cool mine are smaller and green :)

also what do you guys think just thought it mite be worth posting it here seems as you guys are ozzie too.

might help some people out. i think it was this thread that someone needed to know what was wrong with theyre plant wasnt it??? oh well here it is

outdoor planting times and some helpful info for beginners