Auto AK-47 CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. Just got home and see my 2 seeds have sprouted. I'm growing auto ak-47 from lowlife seeds under cfls. This is my first auto-grow and I have just one question i hope someone can answer for me. The seed package said to plant directly into 5L pots, so I'wondering when I should water while m they are still small. Should I let the soil get completely dry or should I water when just the top of the soil is dry? Any help is appreciated
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Undercover Mod
Be extremely sparing on the watering or you can stunt its growth. I would use a cap full of water every two days and keep raising it as needed. If your soil is moist no need to water, until it is dry.

My auto AK



Well-Known Member
Be very frugal with watering your autos for a few weeks...........let the roots develop searching for water.....I've grow autos for several years and they did best when when I ignored them for days as a time.......get a moisture meter and use it........


New Member
indeed, usual watering pattern really with them. It is often advised to go straight into the largest pots at first transplant with auto's as oppose to 'potting up'. Sometimes I will add rhizotonic (bio) at this transplant.

Will pull up a chair for this one .

(Dinafem have some new critical + autos just out. (we were first to stock). 60 days turnaround)


Active Member
im doing auto ww and ak right now, got em in solos for another week and then gonna move up to these 3 gallon paintball buckets i got as they are the biggest i can possibly fit in my cab


Well-Known Member


New Member
Not yer best buddy if he selling it ya lol I love this baby stage, my fav part of the entire grow (apart from smoking it o course )


New Member
people often overwater so let them get quite dry, they will tell you if they get toooo dry by starting to wilt a little. As a generalisation they like to be wet, dry, wet, dry as oppose to constantly damp. :-)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so is it normal that it's day 8 right now and they haven't really grown? I'v got each one under 1 42W 6500K CFL, hanging about 3 inches above plants. MG organic soil, and haven't watered in 8 days (5L pots). Looking back on the skunk plant I grew earlier this year, by 8 days that thing was way bigger.(different strain, I know). Just wondering if i should be worried. Can't wait til i'm no longer a noob.

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New Member
8 days without water? If your space is that damp it really needs to be looked at perhaps. I would expect with good draining soil to take about 3 days on average. It shouldn't take that long for a 5l pot to dry out under 50-60% humidity and 78 degrees f. Are these the ranges you are in?

If these are in the correct temp and humidity range then it is the soil that isnt good. perhaps it drains poorly and is keeping the roots too wet.

You want soil without time release nutrients and with perlite mixed in for good aeration and drainage. Other people will know more about Mg (miracle grow I presume)

(They look okay from the pics.. unless that dark patch in pic number one is phosphorous issue, hard to tell.. Phospohorous will give greyish patches and stunt growth and they may look a bit crinkly - the best answer for this is bat guano mixed in the soil which I use as standard nowadays)

oh and double trebel check your ph during these stages.. you want it about 6.5

put those bulbs 2 inches away from the plant and ensure there is a small breeze blowing on them from a fan. This helps them and will also help dry out the soil
