Auto Easy ryder (ak-47 X Low ryder) T5 light, 1st Grow


DAY 16 (from seed)

well i have ALL of my camera problems solved so i figured its about time for an update, i also included pics of the nutes and other things ill be using in the grow.. im using grow fromula almost every watering now and every other water i use microblast.. both in very small portions, plants are looking good and strong the first pic is of my super plant for some reason it is develpoing alot fuller and faster then the rest.. just a good pheno i guess also a little more on the indica side i believe so that explains alot. anyway my girls are growing up, take a look.

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so i had the plants on the floor for a minute to move things around in the grow cab and my dog took a bite out of one of the fan leaves... is this going to effect anything with the plants growth? as far as shock or any of that go? i wouldnt think so but im not sure.


Active Member
Plants look good I am thinking about using a 6 tube t5 fixture becuase I have a closet the same size as your. What type of air purifcations system are you using? I hear negative things about the t5s but I have been doing the research and the data seems to add up.


Active Member
Looking good bro Im subbed up Take a look at my grow I got 3 easyryders growing there 36 days old will post more pics tomoz Ill keep an eye on your grow im interested =)


Plants look good I am thinking about using a 6 tube t5 fixture becuase I have a closet the same size as your. What type of air purifcations system are you using? I hear negative things about the t5s but I have been doing the research and the data seems to add up.
The T5's are a great way to go, I have several friends who have had multiple successful crops grown completely with T5's they stay cool they stay low on the electric bil and they get the job done well. I have become great friends with the owner of my local hydro shop and he could have sold me anything in that store and it would have cost me 200 to 300 dollars more but instead he pointed me in the direction of the T5's and if you have the room the 6 tube T5 is the way to go man.. they are excellent just make sure to get grow and bloom spectrums to change out from veg to flower it will help ALOT. As far as the air purification system go its a simple purification system with an ionizer and it just makes sure the air circulating in the grow room is as clean as it can be but it does not effect the PPM of the co2 in the air.


Active Member
Thanks for the info, I will be picking up my set up this week, so I can get started ASAP. I still have ventalation wows, I want something simple effective and quit.


Thanks for the info, I will be picking up my set up this week, so I can get started ASAP. I still have ventalation wows, I want something simple effective and quit.
well with any autoflower that gets only 1 foot to a foot and a half tall all you need for ventalation is a decent power fan, and to open the closet doors for 30 minutes a day during the lights on cycle.. the smell never gets overpowering. my suggestion a simple 20 dollar walmart fan and some ozium spray.. that timer shit... you plug it into the wall and every hour or so it shoots a little mist of ozium and knocks out whatever smell you might have.. just put a couple of those in the room where to grow closet is and your good my friend.. when you move to HPS or MH lights where the heat can be more intense or the direct light output is more intense and the strain you are growing is taller or larger in general size thats when carbon scrubbers and ventalation start to play a key role.. but for us auto growers growing from 1 to maybe even 10 plants ozium spray a fan and a few minutes with the door open a day is all thats needed.. this info is first hand from those friends i told you about as well as my local hydro shop owner.



I got a close up of the plant my dog munched on.. you can for sure tell what plant is the beast out of them all are already forming bud sites at day 17.. still 53 days left of high intensity light left should be a good harvest. enjoy the pics give feedback on anything that isnt lookin right to you guys.

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I need someone who knows their shit to tell me if changing my grow spectrums t5's out to bloom spectrums t5's at day 17 is a stupid idea... its my understanding that this strand and autflowers in general skip the veg phase almost altogether and go directly into flowering so in my mind i have to say that nothing is wrong with changing out the spectrums this early in a 65 day seed to harvest life span... maybe im wrong.

my only worry is by changing out the spectrums early i stop the verticle growth of the plant altogether and as you can see by the pics they arent very verticle haha.. yet they ARE already sprouting little bud sites along the main stem.. so I gotta say im kinda at a loss right now.. considering these dont go from veg to flower due to light scheduel changes like going from 20/4 to 12/12 like you would on a regular plant but instead its flowering cycle is decided simply by time... any feedback or added info on this would be great fellas.


I may be moving to a new forum.. i find i dont get as much input on this forum as i thought i would.. im looking for highly experienced people to add the 2 cents they have into the grow and i just dont see it happening although i do thank everyone who did get involved i find most people know just as much or less then me. sooo if i get around to it ill be updating this forum.. if not see ya all and good luck on your own grows. peace.


Active Member
I may be moving to a new forum.. i find i dont get as much input on this forum as i thought i would.. im looking for highly experienced people to add the 2 cents they have into the grow and i just dont see it happening although i do thank everyone who did get involved i find most people know just as much or less then me. sooo if i get around to it ill be updating this forum.. if not see ya all and good luck on your own grows. peace.
Sorry to hear that.
Post link back to the new journal in case you move.


Well fellas i found a little spare time figured i would do a little update on my girls..

so far all are doing well the nute scheduel i free handed has turned out to be a decent nute soup for the girls and they are loving it..

growth to size ratio has been amazing alot happening every 24 hours with the girls.. i decided to go with the bloom spectrums t5's at day 18 and that was a great way to go.they are staying bushy enough for me that LST will not be necessary although the accent side lighting beginning here next week will be essential to my grow.

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DAY 23 - Root Bound Worries -

Well the grow has been going well, no sign of under watering, over watering, pest or nute deficiency.. though my largest girl ended up in the pot with the least amount of soil.. (due to poor pot filling on my part) If this girl was growing at the rate of the others i would not worry but as thats not the case OF COARSE.. :sad:

I worry that before she finishes im going to have to do a transplant.. of coarse based off of what the response by everyone on the forums for this grow is I will either let it be.. or i will transplant before the root bound issue occurs.. though as most of you auto growers know autoflowering plants do not deal with any form of stress very well.. especially when it comes to transplanting.

so if you all dont think its neccessary for me to transplant then i will make the decision not to. It would suck ass for my most vigor plant to be stunted by this problem.. so give it to me straight fellas what should i do??

the last picture is of the plant I believe may eventually go root bound - keep in mind these are 2 gal pots.. usually a 1 gal pot is recomended for these smaller Auto dwarf strains.. also keep in mind the pot has been cropped do to low soil levels and me wanting as much light as close to the soil as possible during the early vegatative phase of its life cycle.

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I decided if the root bound issue becomes a problem then ill simply cut the bottom of the pot off completely and get a new pot same size fill half full with fert light water and then stick the pot i cut into that pot with new soil then duck tape and call it good :) problem solved


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, you ask I came, any questions throw them out there and I will attempt to help as soon as and as much as possible. I do try and get on daily if I can but if you post after 4pm UK time probably wont get on till after 11pm UK time but I will always help when I can :)

Peace and good luck! p.s. there very hardy strain you will do great!


Active Member
Looking good bro I like the lightin but with my room been to small for 1 of those i just went with the CFL with a hood reflector instead keep it up im subbed up =)


Well-Known Member
i whouldnt transplant at all.. autos dont have a big root system at all.. i had some 2ft autos in 1gal bags and they did just fine..just mite have to water more often..they look great by the way.