Auto-Flower Cage Match! (Revised)


Well-Known Member
man i'm so jealous. your guys' plants are so big, you're gonna get alot of bud. And they're still so green too. I fucked up somewhere lol.


Well-Known Member
You guys fall off the face of the Earth?

Lets see some updates lazies.

*Cough* my thread was updated everyday. *cough* :p


Well-Known Member
Man, Love the colors!
You're doing well with the gal.
Looking like it's coming into the home stretch rather nicely too.
Nice! :clap::clap::clap::leaf:


Active Member
Yeah the purple is kind of surprising, in all of the pics I've seen of this strain, I haven't seen that before. I kinda wish I had a male around to be honest.


Well-Known Member

Not much happening. A little more frost and sticky as all get-out.
Not very impressed with the 70 w HPS. Swapped it back out and went back to the CFLs. Glad it stopped growing because it just fits!
Otherwise, a little more trim & tie is about it.
Something must be happening though. The stink has gone into Hyper-drive. If 3-4 of these were out in the yard I'd be very concerned.
Still expecting a bud spurt. Maybe the oder is a prelude? We'll see.



Well-Known Member

update tomorrow. Things are looking good.

Leave any negativity out please, there is not a single contestant that cares to hear ANY of it, trust me on that... and that means you too SoA hah. Please, I am asking in the most polite manner possible over the internet, if you have nothing positive to contribute, then you have nothing to contribute.


Active Member
Breeder: Buddha Seeds
Strain: White Dwarf
Age: 56 Days old
Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Nutes: For the last 3 days I have been feeding Mable a mix of CalMag and Sugar Daddy to fatten up those buds just a bit more. Tomorrow I start my 3 day flush.
Notes: Durable strain, it was able to put up with my noobness and would definitely recommend and grow again. In fact I have two more going as we speak.

Pics of Mable. Some are in her environment and some in more natural lighting.

Day 56 008.jpgDay 56 010.jpgDay 56 005.jpgDay 56 007.jpgDay 56 009.jpgDay 56 006.jpgDay 56 003.jpgDay 56 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here we go guys... In couple days I'll be at day 65, and I can tell this girl is just about ready. probably about a week or so sooner than I had initially thought. I think I might chop in ten-fourteen days. I like the soil mix I experimented with, but I need to make it stronger for flowering... The nugs are getting a sort of purple shade and they pretty resinous, the yellowing picked up extremely about ten days ago... I can't wait to smoke this already!


light: air-cooled 400w hps 18/6 cycle, temps 65 low, 82 high, RH 20%
soil: organic mixture (promix, FFOF, kelp meal, EWC, lime, soft rock phosphate)
nutes: two feedings so far with tea made up of soft rock phosphate and kelp, a couple of microbial inoculates, also one foliar feed application with Tiger Bloom early about three weeks in.

How close is everyone else to the chop?


Well-Known Member
Looking great 43!

Kicking my ass with my grow. Don't forget to give us a dry weight when you can. I am really curious.

I would +rep you but I already did and need to spread more love.

I need to figure out how I can +rep you every day like others say they do. ;)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1285907

update tomorrow. Things are looking good.

Leave any negativity out please, there is not a single contestant that cares to hear ANY of it, trust me on that... and that means you too SoA hah. Please, I am asking in the most polite manner possible over the internet, if you have nothing positive to contribute, then you have nothing to contribute.
stop pointing fingers and naming names.



Well-Known Member
...."it's like growing in a mind field".

Next grow should be titled "Autoflower Mind Field"...

I hope everyone and their families had a great Thanksgiving.

I think today is day 65 for me which the breeder recommends should be the chop day, but I think I might give her another week.

I'm off to make some hashed potatoes!