If you really must know, as I was willing to let it go, I think its best you do know!
Firstly I wasn’t not attacking you, You take things soooo personally...I'M pee'd because I had already got myself fired up and gone to a lot of trouble setting my self up for round 2, which I was all in hope, you were better organised! The reasons I left the this round was because I felt it was unfair having a plant 3 weeks older than everyone else, meaning I would have to wait weeks on end after my harvest to find out who’s won and also my plant didn’t have a great start!.
To be honest I've never heard someone winge like a spoilt brat so much, when things started to go wrong in here, I started getting fed up of you throwing your toys out the pram. I totally agree with you about the "kids" posting crap, but for Christ sake man grow up and ignore them! There was so much confusion in the beginning because you couldn’t put your foot down and sort it out instead you bury your head in the sand and it carried on, to the point where no one knew who was in and who was out, and what was your answer?
What further pissed me off again was the way you set out the rules.....
[FONT="] The consistency of updating your “contender” in this thread (i.e. teaching others what you are doing, show everyone what you use and why, ect).[/FONT]
Well you shot me down straight away, I posted pictures of my plant which I had told you which one, then pictures of other to compare growth (photoperiod, other auto’s) and wasn’t until the 4th post, you only then decided to pull me up because you got confused??!! Ignorant to your own rules and replies not directed at you!
To me and I’m sure about a few others you have really shown your self up, and have been doing so by crying and not sorting it out! I asked you to give us all an update, I also asked you if I could change my contender, to make it fair. You answers or lack of gave me the impression this thread was about YOU, as you didn’t think deep enough about rules or even how to imply them.
Anyway….I decided to swallow my pride and get on with it, where you are still crying! This has made you a target, because people are getting a reaction from you every time, to the point were I was pissing my self just reading this thread.
Now to be honest I do feel for you, but be a man for fook sake and get on with it!!