Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

i wud think that 18/6 is way better for results than 24/0 im sure they will bud due to age but may suffer in yields. i think all plants may need a dark period of some sort to produce its flower. i may b wrong tho so i was jus puttin a suggestion out there

Very nice in theory but I have no way of heating my closet in the dark period, don't want to settle for shit though..
What temperature does your closet get at night? cool temps can be good for a plant.. example: during the later stages of flowering if you drop your temp down to 55 degrees F. (during the night) then your buds and leaves will turn purple... so lower temps are good to a certain extent...

Very nice in theory but I have no way of heating my closet in the dark period, don't want to settle for shit though..
What temperature does your closet get at night? cool temps can be good for a plant.. example: during the later stages of flowering if you drop your temp down to 55 degrees F. (during the night) then your buds and leaves will turn purple... so lower temps are good to a certain extent...

50-58F and dropping..
i would say to get a lil blow heater to run in ur closet to help wit ur temps but like green says cooler temps are good. i have auto aks goin now an they are beast. but i also have great ventilation too. at night my temps get to be like 60-65. wen the two hps are goin its like 80 in there. since im in chi the windy city, at night my temps drop alot too
Im lookin for some new seeds and i have a good idea what I will get. But I cant figure out what the difference is between:


Whats the big difference? I just want some plants that grow now more then 2ft tall MAX! And can be harvested within 2 months from seed.
Im lookin for some new seeds and i have a good idea what I will get. But I cant figure out what the difference is between:


Whats the big difference? I just want some plants that grow now more then 2ft tall MAX! And can be harvested within 2 months from seed.

????? u r v confused my friend

auto flowering is wat they are
lowlife is a seed bank that sells some strains
lowryder is a strain of autoflwering plant
Do all auto flowering plants grow short like lowryders?

PEACE BROTHER. It is a trait of the auto flowers that they are short by stature but you can get a few that will grow to 3ft I've read. The thing is that the crosses that they are crossed with may give them a bit more height than the lowrider, but for the most part they are all going to get about 1-3ft max. There are exceptions to all rules as you well know and all things don't end up like they are supposed to (ie. two 6ft people having a child that grows up and is only 4'11).

There are things to do to make sure that they are short, ie. LST, or topping (only if you have a height restriction because it is not reccomended by the breeders who developed them.) So basically, since you are in control of the enviroment you can do what best fits you. The thing is is that they (the co.'s and breeders) that it will diminish your yield if you top, but if you are only going to grow for personal reasons then you wouldn't care. Now if you are growing to get money then you would have to make sure you have a lot of flowers in a small space and you would SeaOfGreen them or ScrOG them.

I am no expert and I only offer the ideas that I have read because I too have found the auto thing recently and prior to have never heard of it. You may not have read it in a minute because the thread is sooooo long, but if you look on the first page when KB started this you will find mostly all that you have asked. And if not post again and I'm sure that you can get the answers ( you may have to endure some BS along the way becasue someone will find the question stupid, but always remember THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STUPID QUESTION ONLY STUPID PEOPLE WITH STUPID ANSWERS) and if I can I will answer it to the best of my ability if need be.

PEACE This is an article that KB had reffered all to and it comes from another source on the web. I copied it with the pix but they are too big to put on here so I just copied the text for you and all who haven't read about or heard about the autos and where they derive from. I trust this gives you a bit more insight into the autoflowering craze. As I run across anything else I have I will post it....

PEACE and Good Growing

