Autos in DWC?


Well-Known Member
Anyone here do autos in DWC? I’m running my first Photoperiod DWC buckets and was wanting to possibly move to autos in the future for a more flexible perpetual harvest.

Any differences between DWC for photos?
Any tips or pointers?


Active Member
I'm currently running photo and auto. Since photo will eventually go to 12/12 when it's time to flower, You might want to keep the two separated. Use only a quarter of nutrients for autos and you should be ok.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently running photo and auto. Since photo will eventually go to 12/12 when it's time to flower, You might want to keep the two separated. Use only a quarter of nutrients for autos and you should be ok.
I’ll be switching from photos to autos entirely for a while if I do this. But that’s why I’m asking I’ve seen some massive autos in DWC and for my set up they’d be the easier to run perpetual for me. So I was curious! Thank you for your response BTW! 1/4 strength nutes I’ll keep that nugget in the forefront! Thank you again!

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I've ran auto's in 5 gallon DWC buckets for a long time with works fantastic, and it really works well with the 'fast growing' nature of autoflowers. Auto's easily achieve the size of photoperiod strains that haven't been scrogged out or topped a few times. Even at that, if you learn how to train an autoflowering strain so that the dominant cola is at equal height as the rest of the budsites, you could even match the size of photoperiods that have been topped.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently running photo and auto. Since photo will eventually go to 12/12 when it's time to flower, You might want to keep the two separated. Use only a quarter of nutrients for autos and you should be ok.
how did those autos turn out ?