Auto's Lemon Haze at 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Let me know hows shes looking for a auto flower at 5-6 weeks, this is my first grow so i hope shes where she suppose to be, had her in miracle grow for 3 weeks, then found out how bad it was swapped to FFOF soil so i havnt introduced nutes yet. I have been watering with cal-mag EOD, and its been doing good! Shes on 12/12 only because i have two other plants that are photophase



Well-Known Member
She's def got some good green going.(edit) Taking a second look she may be getting a lil to much N, but your in flowering now and she should take N fine but watch her since its prob a new strain for ya and not sure what she likes.
Looks A lil droopy but you prob just watered but hopefully shes not dry! And Ive only done about 10 auto plants And I can say the the bigger/or Decent size smart pot you put them in the better they do.


Well-Known Member
Had to chop early due to unexpected leaving of my residence next week. but anyways heres all i could doDSCN5470.jpg