Availability: acid vs x


Well-Known Member
I've always thought lsd was much harder to find than mdma, but in my experience, it has been quite the opposite. One possible reason for this could be the lack of a nearby bustling metropolis where club drugs are more readily available.

Personally, I have only had x once in my life, and I'm thinking it was bunk because I didn't feel anything (i only took one) besides getting really thirsty and sweating and possible mild color enhancement. (Then again, I traded away 3 adderalls for it)

On the contrary, I have had access to fine quality cid and, even though 15 a hit can be pricey, the last hit did me good for a solid 26 hours.

I've heard much more people talking about ecstasy and "double or triple-stacked" candies for sale, but they're all trying to charge rediculous prices, like $25 for a 'triple-stacked' pill. I will NOT pay $25 for something I am not familiar with; unless it's an 8th of mushrooms with lots of caps: I know what's in those. :D

I do know that ecstasy is subject to alot more 'cutting' and diluting with other drugs and fillers. From what I hear, and the way it is produced, LSD is either hit or miss: it's either LSD-25 or it's a blank sheet of paper. I think this is because the dosage of lysergic is so much lower than adulterants; not much else could fit on the paper.

I mean, I would more than happily pay $5 and maybe even $10 for a solid MDMA pill, as long as you only need 2 to get a full effect.

Anyway, is this the same experience for you guys? If both are available, which are cheaper? If only one or the other is available, to what do you attribute this? Any input would be appreciated, thanks!


Well-Known Member
it totally depends on where you live. I can get E for around 7 a pill and theyr always double, some times tripple. But they are always cut with tweak, even if the dealr says other wise i can never sleep the same night i take em. But if its pure E as in powdered mdma its only ten a point and all you need is one point to roll fucking balls. Its almost instant if you snort the powder, and the high is significantly better than any E pill iv ever taken. But acid is a rarity around here. A friend and I split a vial for a buck fifty, which seemed cheep for a hundred hits(standard number of doses a vial btw). It was supposed to be my first acid experience, so we both take multiple hits and wait an hour and nothing. So we take more, another hour and nothing, so we take even more :) Well around a dozen hits in it kicks in, but luckly it wasnt acid it was bromide dragoon fly, weak bromide dragoon fly cause ei heard that shit is a fucking trip and a half. We drove(i know NEVER drive while tripping) to get some bugrers and my friends starts to really trip in the resturant, he took more than me and he put it in his eyes n shit. Colors were quite vivid and shit was wavy. Well needless to say we felt quite ripped off. So since then i dont even look for acid any more, fuck bromide dragoon fly that stuff is made with strict 9 btw, and my friend put a bunch in his fukin eyes and ears!!


Well-Known Member
most people claiming to to have double or triple stacked pills VERY SLIGHTLY increase the mdma but increase the base such as caffeine a lot more. also watch out for dealers with several different prints in the same color. more times than not word gets out that those tabs arent very good so they use different stamps or presses but use the exact same ingredients. i never payed more than 10 a pill, no matter how badass they claimed their 15 dollar tabs to be


Well-Known Member
im going to let you guys in on a little secret
the whole "double stack/ triple stack" thing is complete BULLSHIT
as an ex E dealer im telling you there is no such thing as triple stacks or double stacks
e is e. some are bigger and some are smaller than others and some are different shape than others. the triple stack shit was made up for dealers to make their product sound good ( and it works like magic:-D)
just because one bomber looks bigger/fatter than the other one does not mean it is stronger or more powerful than the other one

so say thanks to me for telling you this
(lol im juss kidding u dnt hav to say thnks)

but yeah next time ur dealer tells u hes got triple stack mitsubishis or someshit, u know what it is


Well-Known Member
MDMA powder or bust, fanks.

Then make your own tablets from clear gelatin capsules you buy from the heath shop.


Active Member
im going to let you guys in on a little secret
the whole "double stack/ triple stack" thing is complete BULLSHIT
as an ex E dealer im telling you there is no such thing as triple stacks or double stacks
e is e. some are bigger and some are smaller than others and some are different shape than others. the triple stack shit was made up for dealers to make their product sound good ( and it works like magic:-D)
just because one bomber looks bigger/fatter than the other one does not mean it is stronger or more powerful than the other one

so say thanks to me for telling you this
(lol im juss kidding u dnt hav to say thnks)

but yeah next time ur dealer tells u hes got triple stack mitsubishis or someshit, u know what it is
Yah man been there done that as well triple stacks are fucking bullshit its like 1 part e 3 parts caffine. Unless its pure MDMA most pills now are garbage and cut with anything you can think of.


Well-Known Member
yea man when someone tells u "i got a bomber, its a triple stack" its complete
useless information

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Unless you have a test kit on hand, stick with acid. 9 out of 10 times you're going to be getting something that isn't mdma unless you know you have previous experience with the dealer and know what they get is consistant, and trust me, this is a luxury. If you can afford a test kit, go for it if you're determined to get a good roll. I feel bad for poeple because most of them don't know what real rolling is. They think getting hyped up on meth is rolling. If only they knew the pure bliss...
You know you got a good bean when you take 1-2 and you feel so god damn good all you can do is sit there hugging something fuzzy and your eyes are rolling back in your head.


Well-Known Member
well ur going to far saying 9 times outta 10 theres no mdma in a bomber
there is actually mdma in most of the e pills but in smaller amounts and they use other
substances to substitute the lack of mdma but im telling you theres mdma or mda
in most of the pills but not a lot of it
i know this because i have a testing kit(several of them) and i do deal with a lot of e pills (i just dont take them anymore) not saying i still sell them but everyone around my area always has them. and most of them contain like 1-4 mg's of mdma and the rest is
amphetamines/meth , caffeine , mda , and this thing called procaine
a couple of times i even saw ketamine in them, but yeah dont say e pills dont have
mdma in them no more because they do , but its just mixed with other shit

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Okay i'll rephrase. 9 times out of 10 there isn't enough mdma in your pills to even notice it. I suppose if you took 20 pills with 4 mg of mdma in them you'd feel it, not even enough to have a good roll. BZP is also becoming quite popular in e pills. But people are wasting their time even putting 4 mg in their pills cause its not like anyone will notice that's there. Try finding some molly.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Personally MDMA is much more rare... dude who said "stack" there is no such thing, sorry to ruin all of your days. There is no such thing as a double stack, triple stack, or quad stack. To support my argument, the first person to tell me the mass of a single stack of MDMA will prove it otherwise. It's all hype used to con people into buying shit E pills that haven't been lab tested and may not even contain MDMA.


Active Member
Unfortunately with the availability of research chems, you can't count on acid being hit or miss. There are at least a few chems being laid on blotter and sold as acid (doc, doi).

I'd say it's very very unlikely that the 15 dollar hit was LSD. 26 hours is a very atypical duration for LSD. According to Shulgins Pihkal, DOI in doses of 1.5-3.0 mg is potently psychedelic and has a duration of 16-30 hours.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Unfortunately with the availability of research chems, you can't count on acid being hit or miss. There are at least a few chems being laid on blotter and sold as acid (doc, doi).

I'd say it's very very unlikely that the 15 dollar hit was LSD. 26 hours is a very atypical duration for LSD. According to Shulgins Pihkal, DOI in doses of 1.5-3.0 mg is potently psychedelic and has a duration of 16-30 hours.
Very valid point.. although I personally am not complaining about a trip that I pay the same price for and get 2x the duration, it is hard to tell if you have LSD or a research chem.. a quick field test (but this doesn't only apply for LSD) is to take a black light and shine it at your blotter, it should glow; don't hold it under a black light too long though as ultraviolet light (UV) degrades LSD.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately with the availability of research chems, you can't count on acid being hit or miss. There are at least a few chems being laid on blotter and sold as acid (doc, doi).

I'd say it's very very unlikely that the 15 dollar hit was LSD. 26 hours is a very atypical duration for LSD. According to Shulgins Pihkal, DOI in doses of 1.5-3.0 mg is potently psychedelic and has a duration of 16-30 hours.
I'm fairly certain this chemical was lsd. The 26 hours included the "glow" period where your mind goes really philosophical and what not. My other trips, I think from the same batch, only lasted 12ish hours. The 26 hours also included the 60-90 minute "ramp time" to even get an effect from it. I took it at around 1:45-2am Saturday night / Sunday morning, and stayed up until 5am late Sunday night / Monday morning. The one I took that lasted longer was part of a strip, as opposed to being pre-cut. I cut outside the lines and made it slightly larger than a normal hit, I think. :D

1.5-3.0 mg is what, 1500-3000 ug, right? That would mean there would be 20 times more substance on the blotter. I guess since LSD is usually diluted heavily before being added to the blotter, it could be possible. I trust my hookup, I dunno though. Thanks for the info! I will do some research into DOI just to check it out.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Dude the average good trip dosage is around 150 ug (.15 mg).. if you got 1.5-3 mg (1.500 - 3.000 ug) you'd be pushing one hell of a trip. But dosage doesn't really make the trip longer, it sounds like a research chem to me.


Well-Known Member
Dude the average good trip dosage is around 150 ug (.15 mg).. if you got 1.5-3 mg (1.500 - 3.000 ug) you'd be pushing one hell of a trip. But dosage doesn't really make the trip longer, it sounds like a research chem to me.
A research chem with the exact same visuals and thought provoking stuff as LSD? Possibly. What are the main differences or ways to tell if my remaining tabs are real? I checked out DOB and DOI and read that they are much less commonly found than LSD.


Active Member
they cut pills with ketamine, mdma, mda, sometimes 2cb which is 2 molecules away from acid and is quite similar and some more shit .
i dont know why people are able to do ecstacy but wont ever try acid.
acid is the best drug ever known to man and its the most healthiest drug for you
besides bud ofcourse.

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
they cut pills with ketamine, mdma, mda, sometimes 2cb which is 2 molecules away from acid and is quite similar and some more shit .
i dont know why people are able to do ecstacy but wont ever try acid.
acid is the best drug ever known to man and its the most healthiest drug for you
besides bud ofcourse.
I wouldn't go so far as to say there's anything necessarily healthy about acid. Except maybe psychologically. buuuut there are definitely drugs less harmful than acid.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go so far as to say there's anything necessarily healthy about acid. Except maybe psychologically. buuuut there are definitely drugs less harmful than acid.

not really , its been clinicly proven that acid does not effect ur body
in any way , as far as i know taking advil is worse than acid