Avoiding the PH game, noob

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Well-Known Member
Shaun2000, so you are saying that 1000 some odd posts, in the spand of 3 some odd months, wouldn't mathamatically explain Krondizzle's (dizzle?) post count? Elaborate.
I Didnt say anything Bar tell u the Quickest number of posts to get close to the 3k limit accourding to the current forum.

Which is one post per 30 seconds
2 posts a min
120 posts an hour
2880 posts for 24 hours

Thats all i was saying. Showing that its quite possible to rake up that amount very easily. (Why u would want to is beyond me, But there is a big market for fake posts and likes ect, Just google geo tools,proxy forum spammers ect )


Well-Known Member
Looooool t.huxley, back at the psych thing again. Everytime you post I laugh for a good couple minutes, just wait dude, one day you'll be at deaths bed screaming "oh fuck I dont wanna die", you have no understanding of life at all, your just another rat running in a maze thinking he knows the way. Please I beg of you to keep posting, one day ill walk out with my masters in psych and for the time being Ive been journalling peoples reactions to things and this is prime material.


Well-Known Member
I Didnt say anything Bar tell u the Quickest number of posts to get close to the 3k limit accourding to the current forum.

Which is one post per 30 seconds
2 posts a min
120 posts an hour
2880 posts for 24 hours

Thats all i was saying. Showing that its quite possible to rake up that amount very easily. (Why u would want to is beyond me, But there is a big market for fake posts and likes ect, Just google geo tools,proxy forum spammers ect )

I agree, racking up Krondizzle's post amount in 3 months is fairly easy, if it's all you do, and have no life what so ever. 3 months, 3000 some odd posts. If that doesn't scream "I sleep in a onesy" I don't know what does.


Well-Known Member
Looooool t.huxley, back at the psych thing again. Everytime you post I laugh for a good couple minutes, just wait sude, one day you'll be at deaths bed screaming "oh fuck I dont wanna die", you have no understanding of life at all, your just another rat running in a maze thinking he knows the way. Please I beg of you to keep posting, one day ill walk out with my masters in psych and for the time being Ive been journalling peoples reactions to things and this is prime material.
I'm glad I'm a source of entertainment for you. You're 19? When I was your age I was in Fallujah. I've seen the world brotherman!:-P That post was a feeble attempt at sounding edgy and deep with cryptic anologies that make Doctor Seuss look like Socrates. Nonetheless, a psych major who seriously says "hard in the paint"..? Hm... Another rat in a maze?..You're 19..You keep a journal of peoples reactions, and you're 19?...That's fucking weird.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Cali. Everyone I know could walk into a storefront and legally buy 20 different kinds of weed any day of the week. Anyone who sees, smells or tastes my shit is impressed, so shut the fuck up with your "I swear I can grow good weed". Sure dude, you're a fucking noob hack. I'm officially done with you and your clown assteeth in this thread.

And I'm not some pussy like you that says you click the ignore button or are done posting or whatever BS you ass-say, and then post the next 5 pages. Go wash your oversized clit in a bowl of vinegar my dear.
i wish that was like that down here in australia, but the only legal weed is a thc spray that is for people with MS. :(


Well-Known Member
LMAO everyone watch out for silicitys big book on reactions..He goes into his living room and knocks over a lamp and goes and writes down his mothers reaction to it.


Well-Known Member
Wrong again meatball. I ran this from six to just over seven and never phd the water the entire time. 15 days between rez changes. Used liquid ph drops. Sensi a&b, calmagic, and superthrive.View attachment 2514644 You dont need anything. These plants are hearty. They will survive. My friend is running DWC with a starting point of eight and his girls are bigger than mine. Hes using 8" net lids, i used six " and his root system is putting mine to shame. Meatball....when youve done a dwc grow then post, frankly, untill then do us a favor and only interject when you have prior knowledge.
Just tryin to show the OP what not ph ing can get you. Never a drop of ph down used.....evaaaar. These plants are anything but small. If your ph stays reasonable it dont mean shit. Set it and forget it. Dueces:):):)image.jpgimage.jpg


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
There not called cards. There called books, I'm a Local #8 Journeyman IronWorker. You must must be some fucking rat fuck to say you have 5 journeyman books, you can only have one at a time in the union. You fucking scab rat. You fucking laid off fuck!!!!!!
He's not a union member like you and I are, represented by the AFL-CIO, he's a mail order journey-card holder. It's BS IMO.

However you can be a member of two different unions. I am a former union representative and currently an officer for my local.


Well-Known Member
Lol, learned about this when I was 10, when peoples opinions or ego is feeling attacked your ego doesnt want this happen and it goes on the defense, you take whatever information you can gather and try and use it against whatever it is that started it. None of your Insults are funny, they all are childish and Immature, look at you, your last defense Is bringing up the posting shit, your running out of ideas. Go run off now, your typical, nothing special at all. We dont need another person like you here.

Dude PJ, watch out man. He'll write about you in his reactions book.


Well-Known Member
Haha as I said keep going t.huxley you know nothing about me or anyone else here, good for you man you got deployed and used by your government, you got shot at for what chump change? I am not against our military but damn I bet you had nothing going for you, im 19 and my options are to many I have no idea which to choose, also going crabbing next season, if were gonna play the bigger dick game remember youll be playing with a 19yro, you must be a real man.


Well-Known Member
Also, Silicity, if you are going to be striving for a career in psych, you may want to learn the difference between "your" and "you're"..I wouldn't have said anything if you just misused it once or twice, but it appears to me you truly don't know the difference. Please don't write about me in your reactions book thats written in blue crayon.


Well-Known Member
He's not a union member like you and I are, represented by the AFL-CIO, he's a mail order journey-card holder. It's BS IMO.

However you can be a member of two different unions. I am a former union representative and currently an officer for my local.
Right on man, we can only carry one book, or you gotta suspend your other book, we can't multi trade it in the iron workers. You must have a good retirement plan? I got 15 in and 15 to go before I can pull the plug. LOL


Well-Known Member
LMFAO..Out of NOWHERE, he says "...Also going crabbing next season" ...LMFAO...How is that relevant to anything? I'm not even joking or insulting you that was funny as shit.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Haha as I said keep going t.huxley you know nothing about me or anyone else here, good for you man you got deployed and used by your government, you got shot at for what chump change? I am not against our military but damn I bet you had nothing going for you, im 19 and my options are to many I have no idea which to choose, also going crabbing next season, if were gonna play the bigger dick game remember youll be playing with a 19yro, you must be a real man.
19 and knows it all already. Ahh.. how I loved 19 and all the delusion that surrounded it.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Right on man, we can only carry one book, or you gotta suspend your other book, we can't multi trade it in the iron workers. You must have a good retirement plan? I got 15 in and 15 to go before I can pull the plug. LOL
My current full time job is a govt job, so the retirement is good (if I make it). My other union is for side-gigs, which used to be my full time thing.
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