AW's Grow


Well-Known Member
Buds.....The Beginnings. I first present to you; Northern Light Blue and the latter is the Fast Neville's Haze. Aren't they starting to look sexy?

Fast Nevilles' Haze

I am feeding everyone 1Tsp/Gal of FF Grow Big (every feeding) and 1Tsp/Gal of FF Tiger Bloom (every other feeding). I am also seeing a couple of red hairs on the 60 Day Wonder, should be another couple of weeks! Looking forward to having some decent smoke. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate any input anyone has.


Well-Known Member
Bud Porn. The 60 Day Wonder is really starting to sugar-up. I know that I will never get her biggest buds from a 12hr light cycle, but it sure looks tasty anyhow! Very interesting smell about it too. Another couple weeks and I may have some smokey-smoke!



Well-Known Member
When do you guys recommend flushing before a harvest? Do you? How 'bout a period of darkness? Anyone subscribe to that practice?


Well-Known Member
I run hydro and I usually try to get 10 days of flushing in. 5 at the very least, 14 at the most. I'm not a big advocate of the darkness thing. I don't think it's bad, but to me getting a tiny bit higher percentage of resin vs. keeping all my buds in really high humidity for an extended period isn't worth it. If I know I'm harvesting tomorrow, I'll make it so the light doesn't go on in the morning... but I don't leave them in the dark an extra day. I hope that helps a little.


Well-Known Member
I was playing around with a photo box that we have. I was weak, I broke down. I have been drooling over one of these tiny little buds for a couple of days now. Oops, one might just have broken off!!!(in between my fingernails) I had a bud, the photo booth was out, the rest is history. 3-5 Days of dry-time, and this little shite is goin in me pipe. Hope everyone has had an awesome weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I never bother with the whole darkness for 36hrs lol. Looking uber frosty brother
Yeah, it is packin' on the trich's. I wonder what this little plant would have done with 20hrs a day of light. I think I'll get a Family Photo tomorrow and post it, the little gals are gettin' all primal and shit. Jungley. I had a little bit of burn on the White Rhino, a few specks on the main cola. I think it was just getting a little too friendly with the hps. I have since rearranged and think I have plenty of distance. I'll see about getting those pics up tomorrow.

mr west

Well-Known Member
you gotta tie dem bitches up so's they cant hug the tube lol. Ive read that 21hr days and 12hr nights will increase your over all yield by bout 30% but itll push your over all flower time by bout a third too and you need to have a grooovey digital 7 day timer that you can program or its a lot of fucking about remembering when they was on or off last lol.


Well-Known Member
you gotta tie dem bitches up so's they cant hug the tube lol. Ive read that 21hr days and 12hr nights will increase your over all yield by bout 30% but itll push your over all flower time by bout a third too and you need to have a grooovey digital 7 day timer that you can program or its a lot of fucking about remembering when they was on or off last lol.

Thanks for the link, I read up on it. I don't think that's anything I will be dealing with this go-round. But.... now I'll have my eye peeled for one of those "grooovey" timers.


Well-Known Member
Tonight's Pageant Contestants; #1 Ms. White Rhino!! A recent burn victim, she shows the spirit of a can-do cannabis plant!

Our second contestant is Ms. Northern Light Blue! She was free... Hell, can't beat free!

Our Third beauty is stellar indeed! She is worthy of two pics. This plant has really excelled in the vertical setup. She exhibits exactly what I want to achieve with side-branch growth.

Again, the sidebranch....

And the ever maturing 60 Day Wonder!
