AW's Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanksgiving was smashing aw... thanks for asking. Looks like my plants are ready to start coming down so I'ma break out the scissors. I'm gonna try out subcools super soil too in the near future. Only got 2 weeks before I invade Britannia... hope everyone is ready.

The nevilles haze cola is just amazing. What is it like a meter tall? ;) Can't wait to see the progress. Thanks for the pics.


Well-Known Member
Hey man its looking good in there. Where are you getting the sub cool soil from? Can you tell any difference between the fox farm and the fox farm/miracle grow mix?
What's on the chopping block next? How soon to harvest?


Well-Known Member
The nevilles haze cola is just amazing. What is it like a meter tall? Can't wait to see the progress. Thanks for the pics.
Yeppers, it is about a meter tall. Getting rock hard and red-er every day! I can't wait.

Hey man its looking good in there. Where are you getting the sub cool soil from? Can you tell any difference between the fox farm and the fox farm/miracle grow mix?
What's on the chopping block next? How soon to harvest?

What's up big Tomato? About the Subcool Super Soil..... not gonna go that route. After reading further, it has to sit for 30 days, can only be used in 50% of the container, negative aspect, negative aspect, etc. So, instead I am going to try this new recipe instead, I found it over on another thread.
Smoke ...

If you live in an area that has a Home Depot, then you should be able to put this mix together:

2 parts Schultz's Potting Soil Plus.
1 part Perlite.
1 part Vermiculite.
1 part Worm Castings.
1 SMALL handful of Granulated Dolimite Lime per TWO gallons of mix.

All of the above should be available at your local nursery.

You won't need any fertilizers for the first 45 days of your grow with this mix. marijuana loves this soil mix.

As far as telling a difference in the straight FFOF and the MG mix.... I cannot. Not in moisture retention, not in vigor or growth, not in drainage. I think this recipe above will be legit. My next girl to chop? Well, right now the Fast Neville's and the White Rhino are neck and neck. As far as trich color, pistil redness, and just overall "almost done" looking. I think by 12/14 I should be tokin' on a quick-dried. Lettin the rest cure out. The Northern Light Blue will follow within a week or two.

Holy giant Fucking cola batman!!! Yum Yum!

Yes indeed, this one is all sativa but FAST. I hope it has a good headfuck kinda high.


Well-Known Member
Cool man. Sounds like you'll be having a very merry Christmas this year.
I still haven't started my next adventure in the rabbit hole. I want to redo the electrical and get a bigger light. And now that winter is here I need to cut off the heater from blowing in there. And I'm out of Fox Farm.... So it'll probably be a while before I start up again. For now, I'm enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a hiatus.
Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Cool man. Sounds like you'll be having a very merry Christmas this year.
I still haven't started my next adventure in the rabbit hole. I want to redo the electrical and get a bigger light. And now that winter is here I need to cut off the heater from blowing in there. And I'm out of Fox Farm.... So it'll probably be a while before I start up again. For now, I'm enjoying the peace of mind that comes with a hiatus.
Keep up the good work
Bigger light eh? You've got what now? 1000 Watts of dual spectrum? What else would you put in there? Yeah, Christmas should be very merry indeed. What are you gonna plant when you do?


Well-Known Member
My Ladies' naughty bits.....

The Neville's Haze

Norther Light Blue

The White Rhino.

And a really fargin blurry White Rhino...



Well-Known Member
Bigger light eh? You've got what now? 1000 Watts of dual spectrum? What else would you put in there? Yeah, Christmas should be very merry indeed. What are you gonna plant when you do?
I'm thinking about getting a 1000 HPS
and using my 400 MH with it. And I've still got some church beans I want to drop.
Your pictures are looking great.


Well-Known Member
Pity me, I was rasslin' my ladies around in the tent, and whoopsie, I broke off a branch. I'm sure I'll find something to do with it...... Fast Nevilles Haze


mr west

Well-Known Member
I had to chop the top off of my casey jones at nearky 7 weeks 12, the bits that wernt mouldy were hella buzzy lol, every cloud has a silverish lining