My friend...
You are sounding more and more redundant than you can imagine.
If you have something wrong with me spreading the word about the 25 mile rule then yes I spammed the shit out of every dispensary on FB and every person I could reach. Is there a problem with this? I am fighting for your ability and every patients ability to grow in the State of Arizona. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Instead of reporting to FB why don't you help spread the word.
I have been to several meeting like CAMP420 spreading the word about the 25 mile rule.... Where were you ?
This is what I noticed thus far... The only folks that have issues with what we are doing are folks that are just uninformed/misinformed OR work with a dispensary.
Good luck to you my friend. I wish you the best of luck in your feats in life.
By phone, email, FB twitter so on I have reached out and talked to several dispensary owners personally. Many are hard to get into direct contact (on the phone) with and this will be fixed now that we are in contact with the dispensary lobbyist whom represents several large dispensaries in AZ. I wish I could jump on the phone and voice my opinion to every dispensary owner but that is not realistic. The 25 mile rule issue is being fought by little growers like myself against big business. As many already know big business gets the first and last word.
LV tell folks who you work with?
No wonder why you are here stalling patients with misinformation and non sense.
Oh did I mention several dispensaries are going after clubs and collectives. (Reporting them to the AzDHS and the AzDHS is filing police reports)