AZCS (Arizona Cannabis Society) is now open.

that's sweet. Btyan
that latest flyer from ADHS proclaims 94% of patients can no longer cultivate [legally]. You won't be getting rid of too many clones.
FU very much AZ.
I went over to AZCS on the way back from the hospital. Of all the dispensaries I have been to I think the quality here is very good. Been going through issues and needed some relief for the long ride home.

Bryan was real cool upfront and honest. I have to give credit where credit is due from the service to the over price for quality compared to the other places I have peeked at in the valley.

Keep up the good work.
I wonder what dispensaries have been writing the Judge in our lawsuit? (many have and many of their lawyers have been doing the same aswell)

They have been attacking us like we would never find out. Saying we support the patients right while writing the Judge a completely different letter.

(I step off the high horse)

Bryan works for a dispensary and has been a fair man to all but he works for the devil and I want nothing to do with the devil and his minions.
Karma baby. In the end the quality always rule when it comes to the consumer.

What have I done wrong?


I can only phantom what you mean because I have never stood on a mound yelling that I am a grower of higher caliber than anyone like some...

Actually I am not growing anymore because of our lawsuit. Mostly doing it so patients can keep growing once we prevail..
HB here you go again being fuckin wierd. Dude I was saying Bryan was cool I like the meds I got the other day, end of story. This was not directed to you or your grow. I was just stating that whomever (dispensaries) is going after patients Karma will get them and quality in the end will be the winner.

AZ section at it's finest... This is why we look like fuckin jokers ^^^^^
HB here you go again being fuckin wierd. Dude I was saying Bryan was cool I like the meds I got the other day, end of story. This was not directed to you or your grow. I was just stating that whomever (dispensaries) is going after patients Karma will get them and quality in the end will be the winner.

AZ section at it's finest... This is why we look like fuckin jokers ^^^^^

Forgive me... I must of misread your message!
I went over to AZCS on the way back from the hospital. Of all the dispensaries I have been to I think the quality here is very good. Been going through issues and needed some relief for the long ride home.

Bryan was real cool upfront and honest. I have to give credit where credit is due from the service to the over price for quality compared to the other places I have peeked at in the valley.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks bro! Was awesome to see some old familiar faces as well.

HB DC, other than being guilty by association (working for a big bad dispensary), I don't think I could work with a better group. The amount of real work being put in right now is awesome, all those things I've always talked about are FINALLY happening. Not everyone agrees, but we are definitely doing everything in our power to do the "right thing" :-)

speaking of for November (Epilepsy Month), if anyone wants to join #teamarianna on Saturday, hit me up. 888-249-2927 ext 110: