Rick Perry (R) made Texas the first state to sign a “DREAM Act” measure into law.... another choice hardcore Republicans have to make...made this is going to be a very interesting primary
It will be a horse race at first, but soon it will be very boring.
Perry does not have a problem at all with the Texas DREAM Act. He will explain it as the right thing for TEXAS; as the Federal government refused to do its job in relation to border security.
But he will take it a step further and it will be what many Republicans favor. He will advocate GENIUNE immigration policy reform. Not a veiled amnesty program which is not reform at all.
He will say what many Conservatives say: SEAL THE MOTHERFUCKING BORDERS! After that is done, we will deal with those who are here.
The criminals must go, but any illegal aliens who otherwise followed the laws while they were here illegally will be granted some form of amnesty, but ONLY after the borders are sealed up tighter than a flea's asshole.
That is what you call GENUINE reform.
I imagine he will offer Romney some beefy Cabinet position, like State.
I hope he picks Christie or Cain for a running mate.
You Donks should be more concerned with your own side. More and more Proggies are showing dissatisfaction over the Chosen One's performance while in office. More and more I read and hear professional Proggie pundits talking about the possibility of a Primary challenger. Former Hillary supporters who went along with The Big O are getting more vocal about their buyer's remorse.
'Yes We Can' is starting to sound like 'Perhaps We Shouldn't Have.'
You don't hear it because you choose not to believe it. I hear it because I am listening.