Bacon Shortage

We did the whole beans and rice thing last year as covid was ramping up. Every time I would go shopping I would pick up a bag of each. Still have two ice chest full, so no need for more. Lots of canned meat, etc. We have always kept a month or two worth of food anyway. But we lost so much food in the hurricane, we are trying to to not keep all the freezers as full as they were then.

I had been keeping a food hoard since before covid. I always had backups of everything. When the shortages hit the first time I wasn't in panic mode like some and didn't need anything. My sister called me a food hoarder and thought that I was crazy. After that first wave of covid shortages she changed her tune and now keeps a fully stocked pantry. She lives in New York and was grabbing whatever she could get with all the others scrambling for toilet paper and other items.

That sucks that you lost a bunch of frozen goods. It's been over 20 years since I've had my power go out for more than 5 hours. I have a propane generator in case I need to power the freezer. We only have a 7cf freezer but I like to keep it full.

Maybe I am a hoarder but I'll have food to eat.
Also our west coast ports have reached capacity, and 100's of ships are waiting off shore to come in and unload.

One of the reasons the ports are backed up is because of a culture among the Longshoremen of working slow and fighting against measures to automate the operations to increase efficiency. That's another topic altogether.
I hear they do not work 24/7?
Not sure. I have a little stevedore experience (on the Gulf coast) and I know that (the high cost of) unions can lead to more efficient use of labor. In Panama City we doubled the tonnage loaded using half the man hours over a three year period. It was from advances in equipment. I hear the west coast ports are fighting some changes if it means less men on the job.
. . . . . .That sucks that you lost a bunch of frozen goods. It's been over 20 years since I've had my power go out for more than 5 hours. I have a propane generator in case I need to power the freezer. We only have a 7cf freezer but I like to keep it full. . . . .
Yea, you eat like kings the first few days, but we had so much there was no chance of using all of it. We were 13 days without power. I had a couple of older generators that I might could have got running, but I chose not to spend hours in the gas lines. We did buy a new generator and of course, the power came on the next day.
One of the reasons the ports are backed up is because of a culture among the Longshoremen of working slow and fighting against measures to automate the operations to increase efficiency. That's another topic altogether.
Daddy was a longtime longshoreman, and the union did make it expensive to ship. If there were drops of rain on the dock, everyone went home, but got paid until lunch, or knock off if it was after lunch. He was making 17 bucks an hour way back when folks were making 7 or 8.
Not sure. I have a little stevedore experience (on the Gulf coast) and I know that (the high cost of) unions can lead to more efficient use of labor. In Panama City we doubled the tonnage loaded using half the man hours over a three year period. It was from advances in equipment. I hear the west coast ports are fighting some changes if it means less men on the job.
I heard they work 2 shifts and a 5 hour emergency shift that they seldom use. They do not want to pay the OT, it's as simple as that.
Daddy was a longtime longshoreman, and the union did make it expensive to ship. If there were drops of rain on the dock, everyone went home, but got paid until lunch, or knock off if it was after lunch. He was making 17 bucks an hour way back when folks were making 7 or 8.

They went on strike I think in 2015 because of attempts to automate some of the operations. I'm not anti-union but some have just gotten out of hand. These guys are making six figures with great benefits for doing relatively simple tasks. There was a big thing here in Portland a few years ago where 2 different unions were fighting among themselves over who should plug and and unplug refrigerated containers. Then there was an intentional slowdown for some reason or another and they became violent and were attacking drivers crossing the picket line. The port operator eventually just pulled out and they lost their jobs.
I read it yesterday. I'm pretty busy outside today with the glorious weather. Maybe you can find it. They said they were going to use some nano piecing delivery systems. Isn't research grate!!!!
So you have nothing to back up your words. Weather id great here today, it will be snowy soon enough and I have work to catch up myself. The nana thing is they have some lipid fat molecules surrounding the sniped of RNA. Yes, research is great. Obviously you know little about it.
They went on strike I think in 2015 because of attempts to automate some of the operations. I'm not anti-union but some have just gotten out of hand. These guys are making six figures with great benefits for doing relatively simple tasks. There was a big thing here in Portland a few years ago where 2 different unions were fighting among themselves over who should plug and and unplug refrigerated containers. Then there was an intentional slowdown for some reason or another and they became violent and were attacking drivers crossing the picket line. The port operator eventually just pulled out and they lost their jobs.
Unions did good work when they were improving safety. There are not many minor stevedore accidents. When something goes wrong it is almost always bad. But the union officials in Panama City stole the workers' retirement money twice. They got caught and went to jail, but most of the money was gone at that point. When he died, Mamma got half his retirement. Her part was just over 400 bucks a month.
I am not justifying the actions of all “anti-vaxxers” with this question, I am just more intrigued to hear your response. If someone got covid-19 before the vaccines were available and built up antibodies naturally, should they be required to get the vaccine?

Also, in the United States we didn’t have a resurgence of Covid cases until the onset of the delta variant... which was after the initial vaccines were released. So if the delta variant a product of the virus attempting to mutate to attack a stronger immune system, was it the vaccines that caused this mutation or the body’s natural antibodies that caused this mutation? Or was it a combination of both?

it’s also ironic to note that the industries that are seeing the greatest “shortages” of resources due to covid are also seeing the highest price increases. I understand this is economies of scale, basic supply and demand, if the supply decreases and demand stays the same or increases, so long as demand is greater than supply the price will rise. But what happens when you ask the question what countries were involved with creating the corona virus in the first place. Well let’s see the national institute of health on the United States were the original granters is the money that was provided to the Wuhan Lab for specifically gain of function research on bat corona viruses and this began in 2014. The original grant was 5 years with a second grant being issued for another 5 years to start in 2020. At the time the covid-19 was “released” upon the world. So the China and the United States, the two largest economies in the world, both worked together in the creation of the current issue that is plaguing the world. Should we trust the information that was provided to us when both China and the United States denied their involvement. Especially when Dr Anthony fauci in the United States was the person who signed the grant for NiH, but pretended to be “blindsided” by the emergence of the issue? Until it was proven that he was lying over and over again to the public.

I am not defending antivaxxers but merely providing a different perspective. there is a story about a boy who cried wolf, and he did it so many times that when there was actually a wolf no one believed him. So how many times does your government need to lie to you before you begin to question the intentions and motives behind the information you are being provided. Especially when the large scale corporations and companies of China and the United States are seeing record growth and closing down many small businesses in what is considered to be a global recession? Was this planned all along? Why did Bill Gates get involved in vaccine and GMO crops? Why he going on a global, I told you so, tour touting how he recognized that a global pandemic was eminent on the horizon? And why was Jeffery Epstein murdered, was he the missing link in the global conspiracy to attempt to “save” the earth by correcting the overpopulation and consumerism issues that have lead us to the point we are at now with global warming, natural disasters, and droughts? I don’t know. It just seems ironic that the list of “known associates” seem to be the same list of key players in the pandemic crisis. Why in america have we accepted that social media can deplatform Individuals who speak against the message being provided by our government, but yet the government was already proven to have lied? We used to have a freedom a speech, but that is being removed. Why were things like the CARES act, which was supposed to be focuses on helping those struggling from financial crisis due to the effects of covid contain litigation that allows Netflix to sue people sharing accounts? I mean more people are stuck at home watching tv, trying to escape the fact that they are unemployed and wasting that time in front of a tv. Is that the time to focus the on piracy laws in the USA?

with that all being said I think the bigger issue is being respectful of others and their space. I can’t tell you how many times someone has pushed me out of the way to get something off a shelf at a grocery store rather than say excuse me and give me time to move out of the way. If you have the vaccine it shouldn’t bother you if someone else has it or not, you protected yourself. But we could have avoided all of this by being mindful of others and actually distancing ourselves if sick. Which exposes the bigger issue in society of selfish entitlement.

odd times indeed, but in the beginning we could have organized as a planet and schedule a two-three week quarantine in the spring or fall, when temperature are most consistent in both the northern and Southern Hemispheres, and uses the stimulus packages to provide the resources for everyone to camp outside during that period. It was already proven that sunlight killed the virus and that it was being spread indoors. We could have made special arrangements for those who needed to be quarantined inside, the elderly and sick, and given the “hero” bonuses to those individuals who volunteered to quarantine with these high risk individuals and take care of them during this time of need. A lot less money would have been spent and the virus would have been eradicated back in 2020 before vaccines ever hit the market. But that would have required unity from the world....
Totally agree that an person who refuses to get vaccinated has to use pretzel logic and cling to trivia in order to feel justified doing so.

But you don't really need to speculate and dig up distracting minutia. Just look at who got sick from Covid after vaccines became available to all adults. All of them, 100,000 who died and 3 million or so who are suffering from long haul Covid, all were not vaccinated. No wall of text is needed. Just the facts.
then i guess CNN is hysterical..personally? i don't write the just appears.
I saw a whopping big pork shoulder roast that could feed my family for a week going for $0.99/lb. I track the cost of that cut and do bulk buys in order to make my own sausage. I have plenty of sausage in fhe freezer so I didn't buy it but still, that's about as low of a price as I've seen in years. Maybe steak is going up but to me, steak always been priced too high and is a luxury, not a staple. CNN is a good source for news and they might be on to something but when I look for myself, I'm not seeing what they report. Shelves are fully stocked too. A few hoarders can mess up the local supply and things can get dire, like they were in spring, 2020 but that's a temporary problem. Also agree that labor shortages, disruption in transport and random attempts at violent insurrection can all disrupt the supply chain and prices/supply will spike.

You can tell me "I told you so" if a real food shortage appears. I'm just saying, the last one was caused by people who feared a shortage, not an actual shortage of food or goods. This doesn't seem to me to be any different.
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Like taking corona virus and purposely spreading it in a bat cave. LOL that's they kind of research that really enriches the world. Chasing research grants are what gives you the Best Science you can buy!
To help me understand your post, I'd appreciate some context.

Were the events at the Capitol Building in DC on Jan 6 the actions of patriots who were trying to save democracy or were they perpetrating violent insurrection?
So you have nothing to back up your words. Weather id great here today, it will be snowy soon enough and I have work to catch up myself. The nana thing is they have some lipid fat molecules surrounding the sniped of RNA. Yes, research is great. Obviously you know little about it.
Well if I wanted to pleasure you I could. But you can do that yourself. Google is the password, though I generally use the Brave search engine. I ain't your flunky bub. Why should I get the info when you will critic the sources out of hand? I already know your denial arguments.....
To help me understand your post, I'd appreciate some context.

Were the events at the Capitol Building in DC on Jan 6 the actions of patriots who were trying to save democracy or were they perpetrating violent insurrection?

Looks like my post was in the wrong thread.