Bad Things


Active Member
Anybody know what's happening?

It could be lots of things.

I used about half mg and half cheap potting soil. layered.

I water them when they start to droop.

24 lighting

4 4' 40wfluorescent tubes

the two smaller plants (not pictured) are doing fine(under cfl's)


Well-Known Member
Is there a picture? And what do you mean by layered your soil.You didn't mix it all together.MG can be pretty bad for certain strains if it has nutes in it.


Active Member
yeh i thought it didnt when i bought it, but turns out it does, guess i should learn how to read. 3 month time release 21-7-14

and by layered i mean like a few inches each. not mixed together

i tried to grow some herbs in the cheap potting soil and they only got about an inch tall and stopped growing, then they died. i have a feeling that that might be causing deficiencies when the roots get to those layers. the stems are very thick, lots of root growth already. i'm pretty bummed cause they were looking real good.

they're about 50 days old
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