Bad Timers


New Member
Hey guys, I have a messed up timer, not the first time I had this but the first time its tooken me several days now to realize that its the problem. Just want to get some feedback on what I am doing and what happened as kind of a sanity check.

First day - the lights run for 17 hours straight as they do not shut off due to timer and it goes unoticed....I then leave the lights off for a period of just over 24 hours in order to get back on the same usual light cycle - most of the plants appeared to like this extended dark period as there is new white pistols everywhere (hopefully not reveging lol j/k).....

Second day, Lights go for 14 hours until I notice they are still running, I shut them off and start them the follow day as normal.

Third day, lights run all the way again going about 17 hours as slept in......

So I guess I am going to run the lights OFF for more than 24 hours again (29 to be exact) as to keep them schedule at the same time (7pm to 7am) and hopefully to counter the long periods of extended light.

The reason I am trying to recover from this using this method is to avoid reveg, stress, and because of papers I have read where growers experiment with giving their plants long extended dark periods.....

So what you guys think, Is this going to turn into a seed run or what? Anyway not to worried about it as this is a tester crop for my new grow room more less its not on the same production role as my other rooms yet.


New Member
so fix it and continue as normal or continue with this extended dark period? mind you they have only been sitting in the dark for 7 hours now and its 3 hours past their usual lights on.


Id let them sleep the 5 hours and keep watch on the lights from now on. I dont think that they would revert to veg unless you ran them closer to 24 hours light. Definitely not good to confuse them that much though


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the POS timer, get something you can depend on and go back to the cycle you were on.

A mechanical time switch is your best bet, a water heater timer or outdoor light timer would be good and ~$20 or so, at HD or Lowes. Digital seem to be more problems than they are worth.



New Member
I fixed it, it was user error, I blew the breaker and didn't set it back properly, doh - this is really the problem with digital , more likelihood of user error, your right I like my mechanical one better it just sucks to reset the clock if something goes wrong.