Well-Known Member
All religions are a cult, that worship some type or form of a god/enlightened being. It's just that some renounce violence as an option, such as Buddhists, Quakers and Shakers (used to, when they could still shake), while others find excuses to wage war The main 3, actually the only ones, being Muslims, Christians and Jews. War it seems historically has been a religious affair, with Judaism and Muslim playing catch up right now with Christianity as far as body count goes. You can't blame Muslims for all the violence in the world today, as the US especially contributes regularly, just as the Jews do in Palestine and the Muslims do around the world. So what's up? Number one in my opinion is Israel. You can trace ALL the present unrest in the Middle East to the date that the UN created Israel in 1948. Tell me that I am wrong, and I will tell you to research the wars that occurred after that date, and all had to do with Israel taking land that they really had no right to take( fuck those patches of land they actually bought). The PLO and Black September ( Keynes, what was Black September about), the Olympic disaster in 1972, high jacking of airplanes and ships, and the destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC. You know what they all have in common? Israel. Were those actions a result of that UN resolution that took all the land in PALISTINE, and gave it to the Jews and still is occurring everyday, absofuckinglutly. Muslims are sick and tired of being treated like 2nd class citizens in this world, where Western nations come to their lands, and tell them how to act in a way that is acceptable to them, and just as quickly torture and kill those that resist. No wonder they like killing westerners. Anyway, you want to take away one of the biggest problems affecting the WORLD right now, make Israel give back the land they never had a right to, land taken in 1967. Fuck the excuse that it was taken in war, as that is not an excuse anymore, not in the 21st century. Oh, just to make it clear, when the freedom fighters named Hamas or Hezbollah say they want Israel to be driven into the sea, that is because the Jews have no legal right to the land, beside the UN giving it away ( funny the Jews accept that resolution, but none after). The Israelites use that religious fairy tale, the Bible, written by Jews by the way, that says this land is their land. as promised by their imaginary god (99% of the planet think their god is bullshit). Muslims are accused of being the cause of the havoc in the world today, they are a part of it, but the main perpetrators, I don't think so. In the Middle East, just look at Israel or the consequences of the US saving their asses. That is the problem, or at least a major one contributing to religious violence in the world at large.
War is and always has been about resources and land. There are lots of excuses for it but it really comes down to that.