Bag seed swag weed?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I know this is a question that is discussed quite a bit. but the bag i got my seeds from were....SHIT to say the least. is that what im going to get? cant i get it any better? am i going to have hairy chrystalized buds or brown cat pee smellin stuff? I would say a lot of it has to do with how its harvested and cured yes? I live in the states and i really dont want to pay the $50 bucks for like 5 seeds online and i dont have any kind of connection for good stuff. so is bag seed swag weed always?

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
You can grow good dope from bagseeds. I grew bagseeds for years. As far as paying 50 bucks for a few seeds online, you can buy regular seeds, isolate a male and have hundreds if not thousands of your own seeds. They might be F2 seeds, but who cares? The initial investment for quality seeds is worth it IMO. Some brands are way overpriced, but 3-5 bucks a seed isn't bad really considering that plant could generate ounces.

Another risk with bagseeds is hermaphrodites. There's no way to know. Also, most bagseeds from Mexican weed will be gigantic outdoor sativas with extremely long flowering times.



Active Member
You can grow good dope from bagseeds. I grew bagseeds for years. As far as paying 50 bucks for a few seeds online, you can buy regular seeds, isolate a male and have hundreds if not thousands of your own seeds. They might be F2 seeds, but who cares? The initial investment for quality seeds is worth it IMO. Some brands are way overpriced, but 3-5 bucks a seed isn't bad really considering that plant could generate ounces.

Another risk with bagseeds is hermaphrodites. There's no way to know. Also, most bagseeds from Mexican weed will be gigantic outdoor sativas with extremely long flowering times.

yes but hermie traits dont usually come out unless the plant is stressed significantly, or if its just a really unstable outcome in genetics.

bagseed is like rolling the dice. chances are you will grow the weed better then what you got it from, but it can still be a Shwaggy strain. but then again, you can luck out and come across some of the best shit you've ever seen.

as for the mexican seeds, the mexican drug cartels use Landrace strains, and alot of strains fall under "Landrace" and some are quite good. so yeh pretty much luck of the draw


New Member
growing from bagseed or any seed is a roll of the dice, you never know what you will end up with, it is ideal to get seeds from a seedbank if your going to grow from seeds because the chances you are pulling from a good gene pool are much greater. If you must grow from seed understand you roll the dice, take your best plants from seed and clone them or have someone else do this part for you. If your only growing a few plants keep in mind you are taking quite a gamble when you grow from seed, growing from seed is starting from scratch understand this comitment you are making can be long and bumpy, if you have the option I suggest you start from a clone so you know it has already been chosen as a winner at least from someone. There is much more at risk then hermaphrodites when you grow from seed you can have greater genetic problems to tackle that are a lot more serious then pollen sacks.

from bagseed every trait is on the line - from clone this has already been controlled - Yield, Potency, Flavor, Aroma, Appearance in the final product and also the health of the plant is at stake from a grow which is not controlled genetically - it is not unlikely you will need to grow hundreds of plants from one seedstock until you find the real winners in what you are looking for that works in your environment.

This is the key to growing top quality cannabis, often overlooked by many and sometimes people never learn, when you read online about marijuana any guide they assume you grow from clone, read up on scientific literature about cannabis before you trust what you read on forums, the forums information at best supplemental and doesn't really grasp the whole spectrum.


Well-Known Member
grow on dude, cuz ur like me and dnt have the luxury of gettin clones. so do what u do and learn from experience


Well-Known Member
growing from bagseed or any seed is a roll of the dice, you never know what you will end up with, it is ideal to get seeds from a seedbank if your going to grow from seeds because the chances you are pulling from a good gene pool are much greater. If you must grow from seed understand you roll the dice, take your best plants from seed and clone them or have someone else do this part for you. If your only growing a few plants keep in mind you are taking quite a gamble when you grow from seed, growing from seed is starting from scratch understand this comitment you are making can be long and bumpy, if you have the option I suggest you start from a clone so you know it has already been chosen as a winner at least from someone. There is much more at risk then hermaphrodites when you grow from seed you can have greater genetic problems to tackle that are a lot more serious then pollen sacks.

from bagseed every trait is on the line - from clone this has already been controlled - Yield, Potency, Flavor, Aroma, Appearance in the final product and also the health of the plant is at stake from a grow which is not controlled genetically - it is not unlikely you will need to grow hundreds of plants from one seedstock until you find the real winners in what you are looking for that works in your environment.

This is the key to growing top quality cannabis, often overlooked by many and sometimes people never learn, when you read online about marijuana any guide they assume you grow from clone, read up on scientific literature about cannabis before you trust what you read on forums, the forums information at best supplemental and doesn't really grasp the whole spectrum.
DITTO! great post. REPin YA for it.


Well-Known Member
STRESS TRAINING MADE SIMPLE! start on 12/12. plants will only grow to about 1.5-3' total. this makes them stretch and do all sorts of crazy shit, very stressful. but if this is bagseed where you find 10 fuckin seeds in a qp then thiis works great. i did this with 22 seeds, ended up with one female plant that i cloned and ended up being the smelliest, most dense sativa i have seen. still curing, jumping waiting to try it. point is, if you wanna pick one outta the whole batch, this works. i call it the last one standing or LOS method.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a question that is discussed quite a bit. but the bag i got my seeds from were....SHIT to say the least. is that what im going to get? cant i get it any better? am i going to have hairy chrystalized buds or brown cat pee smellin stuff? I would say a lot of it has to do with how its harvested and cured yes? I live in the states and i really dont want to pay the $50 bucks for like 5 seeds online and i dont have any kind of connection for good stuff. so is bag seed swag weed always?
It's like this: you gotta grow what ya can till circumstances allow for a change. Grow out the bag seed. It was good enuff to be brought in from somewhere, so when grown out it'll prolly look nothing like that from which it came, and be some pretty good stuff.. Some of the best I grew came out of ol' trashy lookin pressed seed! Now that I can afford it I get from one bank or another, but up until that point of being able to afford it, I simply collected seed from bags that I deeemed "keepers".
Yea, it's a genetic lottery, "roll of the dice", yadda, yadda, but so are alot of the "brand name" seeds ya buy anyway. Bottom line is you'll more than likely be well satisfied w/ your "bag seed"'s end product (as long as it turns out female!lol)

stona lady

for what it's worth i used to grow outside using nothing but schwag seeds. most of the plants took forever to finish but i got some primo dope out of those seeds. and none of the plants were ever anything like the bag they came frome. not once. i've grown about 30 or so plants outside over a period of about 5 years. bag seed is fine you just have to be prepared for the possibility of bad plants. it happens.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
for what it's worth i used to grow outside using nothing but schwag seeds. most of the plants took forever to finish but i got some primo dope out of those seeds. and none of the plants were ever anything like the bag they came frome. not once. i've grown about 30 or so plants outside over a period of about 5 years. bag seed is fine you just have to be prepared for the possibility of bad plants. it happens.
cool this makes me very anxious to see what comes out of my plants! you are right about them taking forever to finish though my plants grow so slooooowwwwwww