Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22


Well-Known Member
Grnman, Dirtbag Wont Stop Crying..... Sorry To Read The News, I Would Experiment On That Bastard, Hard Core.... U Have Plenty Of Time With The Bloom Of The Cannabis Plant, Being In The 60day Avg. Range. Thats Still Alot Of Time To Torture His Ass. With Nutes, Cloning, U Name It Bro. And He Dosn't Need To Leave The Othiers. Not Yet....a Couple Weeks Atleast For Torture-ing Were's The Midevalness, That Weve All Come To Love....hehehehe.

Yea...I can't wait to but this bastard through some vigorous training!

I'll probably mess around with watering...nutes...cloning... and topping..

I'm really interested to see how these others turn out, I sure hope they aren't male. :(


Well-Known Member
My Finger Crossed For U Bro.... Lets All "tuck It" For Grnman In A Moment Of Silence, And Personal Reflection.... Huh!, What Ya Say....db:):):)


Well-Known Member
How do you guys feel about topping? Does it really increase yield? Anyone here just let there plant do it's own thing all the way through?

I'm also going to be looking more into cloning in the next few days. Looks like I have lots of other things to learn!
topping is really handy to control vertical growth. I found FIM'ing started 4-8 new bud sites to the top of the plant.

My understanding is topping should increase yield because you'll have more (though smaller) top buds rather than a single monster cola.

so if you one a giant freaking cola - don't top!

also i believe if you're doing SoG - you wouldn't top because you're after a single large cola as fast as possible and topping does require some time for the plant to recover and sprout new nodes.

That is my understanding anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I want one HUGE ass cola - if their girls!

Maybe I will try that on my next grow...

Topping is cutting the top of the main stem off at the top and then it splits into two branches? Do you cut into at an angle?


Well-Known Member
Im A Topper I Will Be Going There In A Week Or So.... To Make The Monsters. E' Is On The Money Like Usuall. It Is Done At An Angle, It Is Kinda Your Call Were Tho...db. Just My Thoughts...:):)


Well-Known Member
Seems like most people on here top, I dunno...I guess I'll need to do a bit more research before I make any decisions.


Well-Known Member
ive got many plants to fuck with so i might try it out on a few.
Thinking of doing an outside toping/lst see how it goes.

you think scrog would work outside?


Well-Known Member
ive got many plants to fuck with so i might try it out on a few.
Thinking of doing an outside toping/lst see how it goes.

you think scrog would work outside?

Should, you are just going to need to put some stakes or something in the ground so that you can setup the net or whatever use around the plants.


Well-Known Member
Top Is The Same For Outdoor As Far As I Know... Good Question On The Od Scrog...db, Not Knowing, Feeling Stupid. Db.:)