Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


Well-Known Member
I got a hard time on another thread about what my hash looked like, so I reworked the hash balls more evenly and took some fresh pics. THese are the 73u and 25u hash balls reworked for your viewing pleasure...



Well-Known Member
aight so i got a 600 watt over a 1plant scrog..the screen size is 4x2 the plant was vegged to 3ft then put under the screen and vegged for two more weeks the flowered...the strain is og...from your experience with scrogin kush under a 600...wats a target yeild to expect and also do you have any suggestions warnings greatly appreciate it...also would you recomend scrog???


Well-Known Member
sorry the current pic didnt load but this is it 1week into veg under tge screend so techniquely week 6 veg


Well-Known Member
I personally think scrogs are great and wouldnt be able to grow without one. Looks like that will be a pretty beastly plant and fill that screen like crazy. As tong as you keep your branches evenly spaced you will usually get a good yield. I have no personal expirience with the strain so I can only guess the weight, but I would say somewhere between 6-12oz depending on the strain and how well you grow it. Its certainly possible to get a higher yield but that usually requires a nice heavy yielding strain and good growing expierience. I dont have the weight from my half harvest yet, but I probly will tomorrow and I will post it with pics wen I trim them for jars.


Well-Known Member
aight so i got a 600 watt over a 1plant scrog..the screen size is 4x2 the plant was vegged to 3ft then put under the screen and vegged for two more weeks the flowered...the strain is og...from your experience with scrogin kush under a 600...wats a target yeild to expect and also do you have any suggestions warnings greatly appreciate it...also would you recomend scrog???
As far as tips, dont stress the plant if it can be avoided, and make sure to stay on top of rearranging your branches for the first 3-4 weeks, makes all the difference in the end and effects your yield greatly. My buddy grew the smae strain off of the same moter in an almost identical setup to mine, his pinal harvest was 10oz(4 plants in a 4'x4' screen) and I know mine is gona be higher(3 plants in a 3'x4' screen), I just dont know how much yet. and the only difference was he did a poor job of training the plants. And the last one, dont run your nutrients to "hot". Nutrient burn will always mess your harvest weight up, it is a lot easier to fix a deficiency than a burn and it doesnt have as big of an impact on the plant.


Active Member
As far as tips, dont stress the plant if it can be avoided, and make sure to stay on top of rearranging your branches for the first 3-4 weeks, makes all the difference in the end and effects your yield greatly. .
3 - 4 weeks? I just stopped rearranging my branches 4 days ago at 2 weeks. Do you think I should keep it up longer (3-4weeks)? 2 screens, the indi has such fat leaves and grows so tight I think I have to let that one go. but I am worried about the sativas as they like to stretch like mad. But I also want them to put on the nice size buds I'm used to, so I was worried about rearranging the branches to long into the flowering period. Any thought? I'll up load a pic tonight, it might help you help me better. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
3 - 4 weeks? I just stopped rearranging my branches 4 days ago at 2 weeks. Do you think I should keep it up longer (3-4weeks)? 2 screens, the indi has such fat leaves and grows so tight I think I have to let that one go. but I am worried about the sativas as they like to stretch like mad. But I also want them to put on the nice size buds I'm used to, so I was worried about rearranging the branches to long into the flowering period. Any thought? I'll up load a pic tonight, it might help you help me better. Thanks.
It will vary depending on strain a little. Basically, you want to train it untill right before the stretch stops with the goal of having a level, evenly spaced canopy. I stop training my girls when the first buds form, but I have a lot of practice at it. But uping a pic later yould help. By the endo of the stretch you should have your branches about 6-12" above the screen. THat will give you a carpent of nice buds like mine. But you have to position your fan leaves so each branch gets light faifly low down if you want them to be buds from top to bottom. I have come to the realization that you need light on the fan leaves and the buds to grow the monsters everyone loves.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info integ...ill keep all those in mind...jus started with bloom feedings and it crossed my mind to go a lil heavy but i held back..and now that i read your response it only validates my thoughts on the heavy feeding...yea my girl is definately trying to fill the whole damn thing..i read wer u said train 3-4 weeks into flower???is that the intire strech or stop right at the peak stretch to get the fuller buds?? and as far as proper training im very maticulous about prettty much 1-3 nodes in every 2x2 square......thankxxx for the thread..SCRIBBBBBBED!!!


Well-Known Member
the buds lookin super dankity dank by the way..hows that blue tasten???i just got mi kings kush raw diesel and cole train in box taday


Well-Known Member
The smeel and taste are fantastic and will only get better with age. It is a very strong kush taste and something else I cant quite place my finger on. The high is a high and very intense. But I bet the second half will be strait zombie weed. Letting that side go for 10-11 weeks for total couchlock. Glad the info helped. How long you train is entirely dependent on the strain, My widows I train for 4 weeks, the Blue kush got trained for 3 1/2 weeks. I pretty much stop training as soon as I see a small ball of pistils(not just the couple of them).


Well-Known Member
roger that!! thats a big 10-4 integ basicly wen the plant starts focusing more on bud formation at that poit is wer(ur sayn) that i shud use as a window to stop for taller bud and continue for shorter?!?!? correct? thats wassup. tryna get as many as i can to be 6-7 inch colas..og produces somtimes low yeilds but dense nugs reachin 7-1ograms a cola if trained proper...


Well-Known Member
Congratulations, 5oz per plant indoors is the most I have seen here on RUI.
Even GTO's grow with 2000 watts didnt hit that mark, and 29g of hash outta the trim.

Fantastic Job man.