Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I am a bit concerned about Jay.
Her leaves are starting to yellow a bit prematurely.

She is only 6 weeks into flower which (for these plants) is an 11 to 12 week cycle.
I originally thought it was nute burn causing it but it is too widespread and just does not look right.

Both Jay and Dog look very similar.
They were vegged at the same time, put in flower together and,
both fed the same nutes etc.

Here's a couple of pics of the twins
(not sure I can call them that now)

The pH is OK, her last feed was pH 6 and the run-off was about 6.4.

Is she just starting to yellow early or could it be something else?

Oh, the yellow things in the soil are sticky traps.


Well-Known Member
Loving all the pics barking! Glad you posted the close ups now i have a better idea of what to be looking for cheers! :D

Well here we go.
I have been trying to get some pictures with the aid of my scope.
They are a bit blurred but you can see the amber trics in some of them.

In this first pic, I have circled what looks like little black dots.
These are the top of ther amber trics.

Although it's blurred, you can see a few spots and amber plus the dark spots that are in a few of the trics.

I saved the best one for last. This one clearly shows the amber trics.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
:) Barking do u have a big bang :D ???

Could ya post some pics of her ?
Hello mate.
I've just got these G13s at the moment.
I have recently germed some White Widows but
I am struggling to keep the seedlings alive.
I've lost one and 3 more are looking pretty sorry.

Out of 5 seeds I germed I have one so far that has taken off.
As it cost me £90 sterling for 10 feminised seeds I was hoping for better results.

i would just take the yellow leaves off
Hi Lil Princess
I know a lot of people do but, as long as they pick up when I feed the plant I leave them on.
They must be alive still or they would just droop or curl up.
I do cut of all the dead leaves or brown tips.
Besides, I think they look more like girls with yellow leaves lol

Loving all the pics barking! Glad you posted the close ups now i have a better idea of what to be looking for cheers! :D
I'm glad you said that. It was one of the reasons I put the pictures on here.
Anothger tip is, look at them just under daylight or a normal light.
When my HPS is on, the trics all look pretty clear still, you might see 1 in every 10 amber trics you look at.
I was surprised because I thought the HPS would make more of them look amber.
You might be ok with your light but, it does have both red and blue spectrums so if you can take her out of the cab to look at her that might be a help.



Well-Known Member
Hello mate.
I've just got these G13s at the moment.
I have recently germed some White Widows but
I am struggling to keep the seedlings alive.
I've lost one and 3 more are looking pretty sorry.

Out of 5 seeds I germed I have one so far that has taken off.
As it cost me £90 sterling for 10 feminised seeds I was hoping for better results.
I think you should put as much effort into thse seedlings as possible...

Even if you get just a few hang onto 2-3 as mother plants...
At least that way you'll get your £90 worth out of them.

Make sure they are as humid as possible and not too cold.

Other than that your grow is looking brilliant as always.
The next few weeks for you is going to be a haze!


Well-Known Member
Oh that didn't even cross my mind barking, i always look at her trics when she is in her cab cos it's better light, never thought about the fact that it might mess with the coulor a bit. I will have a look tomorrow at her in the sun i think if it's not raining! You never no i might be surprised she might have a lot more amber trics than i thought! Thanks barking.

I'm glad you said that. It was one of the reasons I put the pictures on here.
Anothger tip is, look at them just under daylight or a normal light.
When my HPS is on, the trics all look pretty clear still, you might see 1 in every 10 amber trics you look at.
I was surprised because I thought the HPS would make more of them look amber.
You might be ok with your light but, it does have both red and blue spectrums so if you can take her out of the cab to look at her that might be a help.


Active Member
Congratulations on waiting for the perfect harvest time. Those picture with the scope are really amazing. You will enjoy some very premium smoke now. Can't beat something superior that you grow yourself.

bongsmilie Enjoy!!!

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Congratulations on waiting for the perfect harvest time. Those picture with the scope are really amazing. You will enjoy some very premium smoke now. Can't beat something superior that you grow yourself.

bongsmilie Enjoy!!!
Thanks bro' I can't tell you how hard it's been.
The next ones will be OK because I will have a smoke.

I still have probably a coupkle of weeks before any of it is smokeable
but I do have a couple of buds that have been drying for the last 3 days.

About a week untill I can smoke them. It will still be early though.

The best smoke needs to be cured for about 39 days.
Man, I can't wait to smoke that.

I strongly reccomend to anyone who wants to chop early, just take a branch (or wharever you need) and wait for the rest.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I think you should put as much effort into thse seedlings as possible...

Even if you get just a few hang onto 2-3 as mother plants...
At least that way you'll get your £90 worth out of them.

Make sure they are as humid as possible and not too cold.

Other than that your grow is looking brilliant as always.
The next few weeks for you is going to be a haze!
Thanks for the advice staropramen.
I have got them in a glass tank and there is soil in the bottom of the tank which I wet to create the humidity.
It hasn't been that wet so I soaked it a bit today.
I'm hoping that will help.

Also, they are just under a 20watt fluoro and a 20w cfl so I am wondering if they need more light.
The leaves look really dry though.
I am concerned about overwatering and also,
I am wondewring if it is the root riot not adapting to the soil.
I might put the other seeds just into the soil and leave the root riot cubves alone.
I usually do ok with seedlings.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Oh that didn't even cross my mind barking, i always look at her trics when she is in her cab cos it's better light, never thought about the fact that it might mess with the coulor a bit. I will have a look tomorrow at her in the sun i think if it's not raining! You never no i might be surprised she might have a lot more amber trics than i thought! Thanks barking.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw them under a normal household light.
My scope has a light on it so that lights up the area I'm looking at.

Also, Biga and Charley are almost ready now.
One of Bigas lower branches has almost all amber trics but most of her buds are still clear.
When you see a lot of cloudy ones they are about to turn.
Don't forget, that different strains will behave differently but it will give you a rough guide.

I have posted this a few times before but, for me it was one of the most usefull
bits of info I have been given and without it, I might have harvested early.

The red one below is a A Sativa


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Thanks once again to Mr West who originally posted these pictures for me to reference.
I hope they help someone as much as they helped me.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
No worries barkin, glad to help, did i post the utube link bout drying and curing?
I don't think you posted it on here but I saw it in Hmmm's journal and bookmarked it.
I do already have a plan for drying and curing but it is a good link and an informative video.


Well-Known Member
Hi barking, i'm very intresed to know how your going to drying and curing your buds, cos i don't really know what i'm doing lol. The link mr west posted was very helpful though so thanks mr west. My lower branches are still hung drying not sure what to do with them now though.

I don't think you posted it on here but I saw it in Hmmm's journal and bookmarked it.
I do already have a plan for drying and curing but it is a good link and an informative video.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i like that clip cuz it explaind the principles of curing, hope it helpped u hmm, im sure barking has it coverd. puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: i chopped my ppp cross today, ill put some pics of what i got in my jurny in a min lol.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hi barking, i'm very intresed to know how your going to drying and curing your buds, cos i don't really know what i'm doing lol. The link mr west posted was very helpful though so thanks mr west. My lower branches are still hung drying not sure what to do with them now though.
I will show you what I'm doing when I chop her.
My small buds are still not dry and they have been in for 4 days now.
When they feel crispy to touch, take them out of the box and put it in a jar to cure.
Open it after 12 to 24 hrs and it will prob' feel damp again.
Leave it open for a few hours to dry then close it.
Repeat until dry.

I have a cupboard that I can use to dry mine.
The box takes quite a while to dry it but I am not venting mine.

If I use the box for one of my plants I will fit a pc fan for ehaust only.

Ivy has been in the dark for over 24 hrs.
I will either chop her tonight or tomorrow morning.

I will take pics of my harvest and show you how I am drying and curing.

To be honest, that vidoe is pretty good but I will show you anyway.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Woo hoo! It's harvest time!
At long last.
I'm not sure why I am so excited because the waiting isn't over yet.
This grow has taken about 5 months so I am not going to rush the drying and ruin it.
Ivy's curtain call.

Say goodbye everybody.
Here's the end result.

I am hanging my buds in this cupbord.
At the bottom is a small desk-fan blowing air out under the door.
Is this a good or bad idea? I don't know.

The bud on the far left hand side is fatter than the rest.
That's because it came off Biga, it snapped the branch and was hanging down when I put the lights on this morning.

Here's a close up of the fan.
You can see it's small (about 4"), should I put it outside blowing in.

The brown paper is in case anything falls and to help absorb moisture.

One final question to anyone who has an idea.
How dark does it have to be?
Can you get away with light coming through the door crack?
