Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk - 400w soil


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i suck at grow journals. This is like my 4th one... i normally get about 5 pages deep of me updating myself, with no other interaction, then get bored and stop updating. I doubt this will be any different, but i shall do it anyways.

The Seed: Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk (FEM)

The Setup: Soil grow using Roots Organic Soil, 400w MH for veg, 400w HPS for Flower.. i also have in my possession 3 1000w setups and a UFO LED light... i wont be using the 1000w watt lights because i cant regulate the heat in the area i am now confined too, but i will be using the UFL for supplemental light since my lower buds are allways light and airy.

Nutes: currently, no nutes fro veg stage.. i believe that the R.O. soil is hot enough for the period that i veg in, For flowering i use R.O. Buddah Bloom, and Mad Farmer's MOAB... i also have access to countless other products (for free) i might play about with overdrive after i do some more reading on the subject

(yes i know im mixing organic with chemical... but the MOAB works sooo well i cant NOT use it... so i just flush accordingly)

The Grow: right now its a single solitary plant in the cab..i was growing it along side from G12 Labs Sour Candy.. unfortunately, the S.C. didnt make it (damn, i was actually looking forward to that too... more so then the pineapple chunk.. i kind of only put the PC in the cab to see if everyone was correct when they said it stretched 250%

i didnt get the sativa version... this baby looks pure indica at the moment. and boy o boy does she STINK... i have never come across a plant that stunk 6days into the veg period. its 4 nodes deep, veg growth is lovely... not as prolific as the GHSC Kalishnikova.. that shit grew like it was touched by the finger of god.. but this PC is moving along well enough. I got a mutated plant, it started getting alternating nodes at the 2nd node... so now the plant looks like it has somewhat self topped itself. Im a stickler for uniform looking growth, so something inside of me wants to top it soooo bad (using uncle bens method) but im going to let it take the course that nature intented and see what i get... Hopefully it truly does finish in 55-65 days... im not interested in waiting 90+ days... but thats so far into the future, i dont know why im even bringing it up.

Pictures will be posted once a month every Saturday.... so pictures will be up in 2 days.


Ill follow you if i can man! just started a journal myself. cant figure out how to follow though. how do i?


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i had no idea how to i just do things the old school way.. by responding.. and then checking my user statistics to find the thread again #Thuglife


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Today is Saturday: Thus concluding Week 1 of Veg (estimate, since i dont really pay attention during veg...everything is on a timer and i dont feed any nutes except water when it looks like it needs some ... but for documentation purposes i will post pics every saturday so that the level of growth can be recognized

the plant is about 4-5 inches tall from the cotyals (whoever you spell that) to the top of the plant... lovely green color.. it seems to be loving the c02 in there, and leaves fan upwards, embracing the light...

Its growth is mutated... it has alternating nodes.. and has Self Topped itself multiple time... i am in NO WAY Complaining

so after self topping.. i have THREE (3) NATURAL main tops...

Unless im retarded... these leaves indicate that its more indica dominant.. so hopefully i will have that 55 day flowering that the description claims instead of that 99+ bullshit i keep reading about

i WAS going to top the plant using the Uncle Ben method... but i think ima going to leave it alone and see if more mutated self topping occurs... if so.. this could be AWESOME.. like i said.. its stinky already.. i normally dont have to get any Ona block till about week 2-3 of flower.. but if this trend continues.. ill be getting some before the 4th week of Veg.

i dont know how long im going to veg.. i generally do it untill i get too anxious... sometimes its 2 weeks.. sometimes its a month and a half


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O yea... and since my G13 Labs Sour Candy never sprouted.. i decided to try some of the random freebies i had lying around that i previously had no intention of popping..... i NORMALLY have a 100% germ rate... but this Critical Mass 33 shit that i got looks like its going to break my wonderful streak... the seed just LOOKED malnourished to begin with.. and im on day 2 of the paper towel method and no signs of life yet, when i normally see the shell as LEAST crack by now..


hey plants looking good, strange how she has self topped herself but cant complain really lol. about germinating those seeds, im pretty sure it can take up2 10 days or so ive heard but im no expert. just started a grow about the same time as you using a 600w dual spec and it seems to be doing wonders so far. nirvanas northern lights (check it out if u can, think u just cllick on my name but not sure). ill be checking out ure grow so keep us updated
BEAUTIFUL PLANT...i'm growing one myself. just started the flowering stage.. i think yours looks alot better but this is my first time every growing..just went and got a 2 ft t5 light from home depot and fox farm nutes...cant wait to see more pics on yours tho


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thank you very much! the CH9 Critical Mass 33 just popped, so i put that into the going to start flower by like mid may1st..


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the Pinapple Chunk actually has 4 main tops.. now that it has grown some more... this plant has extremely vigorous veg growth.. but i can already tell that its going to stretch to all hell, just by seeing how its growing in veg... so im not looking forward to the Critical mass 33 as also broken ground.


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week 2 of veg is coming up on saturday, its double in size since the last pics... and itsnt as compact as i would have hoped.. i can definitely see that this might be my first encounter with a stretchy bastard.. o well.. i welcome all challengers... im kinda looking forward to a 4ft+ tree to see ii i can handle it (if the yield makes it worthwhile)

the plant is currently still feeding off the R.O. soil and tap water... thats all i ever give my plants in veg.. cause well... the hydro store guy told me thats all i need... i got my hands on my humbolt nutes "grow" but it doesnt tell me any info on how to mix it on the back.. so im not gonna fuck with that... and im just gonna stick with what i know for sure for sure works

the plant is still stinky.. i had to put 2 nearly dead ono blocks in the tent... i guess that should equate to half a regular either way.. although you cant smelle the ono blocks like you normally would a freshly opened on... they are still doing the job.. the house no longer smells like sour milk/baby spit up and old socks (the exact smell)

normally im not anxious to through something into flower as much as i am this one.. but for some damn reason... i feel like a crack just ITCHING to switch to the hps... the memory of the smell is just throwing me into hyperdrive or soemthing

either or... the Critical Mass 33 is still a little peice of shit... still in its seedling stage... sometimes i forget its even there... he will definitely get lost in the sauce if the PC growth continues at the rate that its at.... to be honest.. im not really looking forward to the Critical Mass 33 anyways... i dont even know how im going to market it... the name doesnt make me want to shell out $20 a gram.. it sounds like some


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o yea... the plant is 100% a mutant...and i LOVE it... ill be attempting to clone this thing (although i have never done it successfully in my life).. but at the points where new growth comes out... THIS PLANT has TWO (2) seperate shoots of new growth going from the same point... YEA BUDDY!!! just like i magically got 4 natural tops.... its continuing to split like that throught the growth.... im going to stake it.. in like 3 weeks cause i feel something tragic is going to happen, and this awesome plant is going to snap at the base or something.. cause this is two good to be true... normally i wouldnt post pics till saturday.. BUT.. i might throw some up tonight.. cause i feel like explaining what the fuck im talking about


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welcome... i have some pictures for you all, a day early... tommorow will be week two of veg and she is moving along nicely, nearly doubling in size. i count a total of 12 tops, not including 4 new leaf formations that are sprouting out
.. easily this is the fastest, craziest growing plant i have ever dealt with.... but thats not saying alot because i havent dealt with many strains.. but i am very pleased with how its operating

HERE is a pic of the 2 week vegged beauty herself... note that she is alot taller from the first pic i posted,, that huge V in the middle is where she naturally split.. and since then, mutated growth has continued throughout

SPEAKING of mutated growth, here is what i was talking about..look closely at the center of the pic (i think) and you can see that TWO (2) bud sprouts are coming from the same spot... this trend is continuous throughout the plant

THIS picture shows more mutated growth.. instead of multiple bud spots.. we have 3 seperate fan leaves from the same area there are also two bud spots forming on two of those angles

and the top... most people take pictures of the top.. im just doing it cause i guess its cool... although i personally dont find anything interesting about



Active Member
That's so legit. Love the three tops! How long are you vegging? Looks like she could use so lollypopping. Looks great tho, I've got a freebie seed coming in the mail hope I get this pheno. Not really into 14 weeks either


Active Member
the veg growth is pretty i might not need to lollipop.. all the small underlings have a chance at making it to the light.. and im going to veg until i cant take the


plants look very good for just 2 weeks man. keep it up. im interested to see what it looks like at the end of flower so keep updating


Active Member
today i tied her down to expose the underlings to the light... so hopefully by saturday they would have shot up towards the top... i have decided to not top the plant.. its growing well enough and i dont want to accidently slow down this awesome growth that i have by being greedy.. im going to home depot either today or tommorow and buying a clone nursury / humid dome... im going to try to clone... i have never been succuessful before... but who knows... maybe the gods are smiling on me...

question.. do i absolutely NEED cloning powder/gel or will they root naturally?


today i tied her down to expose the underlings to the light... so hopefully by saturday they would have shot up towards the top... i have decided to not top the plant.. its growing well enough and i dont want to accidently slow down this awesome growth that i have by being greedy.. im going to home depot either today or tommorow and buying a clone nursury / humid dome... im going to try to clone... i have never been succuessful before... but who knows... maybe the gods are smiling on me...

question.. do i absolutely NEED cloning powder/gel or will they root naturally?
no you dont need rooting gel. best to check out cloning using cup of water though. im pretty sure this is the best way without cloning gel or powder. tons of vids on youtube mate, i only cloned 1 time before but i used cloning gel and peat pellets and it all cost £10 so about $15-18 but the vids i saw on youtube say its cool to just use water. hope this helps. plants looking beautiful btw