Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk - 400w soil


New Member
Today is Saturday: Thus concluding Week 1 of Veg (estimate, since i dont really pay attention during veg...everything is on a timer and i dont feed any nutes except water when it looks like it needs some ... but for documentation purposes i will post pics every saturday so that the level of growth can be recognized

the plant is about 4-5 inches tall from the cotyals (whoever you spell that) to the top of the plant... lovely green color.. it seems to be loving the c02 in there, and leaves fan upwards, embracing the light...

Its growth is mutated... it has alternating nodes.. and has Self Topped itself multiple time... i am in NO WAY Complaining

so after self topping.. i have THREE (3) NATURAL main tops...

Unless im retarded... these leaves indicate that its more indica dominant.. so hopefully i will have that 55 day flowering that the description claims instead of that 99+ bullshit i keep reading about

i WAS going to top the plant using the Uncle Ben method... but i think ima going to leave it alone and see if more mutated self topping occurs... if so.. this could be AWESOME.. like i said.. its stinky already.. i normally dont have to get any Ona block till about week 2-3 of flower.. but if this trend continues.. ill be getting some before the 4th week of Veg.

i dont know how long im going to veg.. i generally do it untill i get too anxious... sometimes its 2 weeks.. sometimes its a month and a half



New Member
Hi mate iv got mental chunk sativa strain fukin huge got nightsjade and critical cush but that chunk is on steroids !!!


New Member
And thats the chunk white widow in oxys but that chunk in soil seedling 4 weeks ago now over 2 foot tall its a monster topped it gave it some lst hoping to promote even more growth but beside chunk are nightshade bushy as fuk compared to chunk there midgets



Well-Known Member
This thead was old bro don't think you will get a reply :) but your plants are looking nice and green my last grow was a chunk :) shes a good plant


New Member
This thead was old bro don't think you will get a reply :) but your plants are looking nice and green my last grow was a chunk :) shes a good plant
Cheers bro new to thread chunks have 4 3 oxy one soil one in soils sativa mix its fukin huge .Got three critical kush heard good things about them good for making bit of hashise from the lthc on the leaves cheers bro


New Member
Cheers bro new to thread chunks have 4 3 oxy one soil one in soils sativa mix its fukin huge .Got three critical kush heard good things about them good for making bit of hashise from the lthc on the leaves cheers bro
Where you from bro ? Im from scotland mate mad jock lol