Barneys Pineapple Express Auto and Little Cheese Auto (balcony grow) First Timer


Active Member
Depending on what day you are on you should top your plant as soon as possible....It is so worth it, it changes the main cola and splits it into two large ones (double the bud sites). I did this as the results are fantastic!!!!!
Thnx for info localgrow... But that will not work to autos , ,if what i read was true.
Most growers opinion is that topping an autoflower will cause it to yield less because autos life cycle is too small so topping is not recommended for these strains.


Active Member
Ok so pineapple still growing like crazy!! 42cm height and lots of pistils coming all over the stems! Looks like she overcome the nute burn and also no heat stress signs on her new leaves!
take a look on some close ups



Active Member
So things here are a little different.. no new pistils appeared yet but the stems growing like flowering ? or maybe i am wrong.. She has a lot of heat stress on new leaves and thats something i hope will change next days with the lower temps.. Height is 34cm and new leaves coming all the way..

take a look and give me feedback please cause i think thats not normal or wtf????



Active Member
Ha these girls are growing like crazy!!! after the night period i checked them and they are both taller!! Pineapple 1cm taller and little cheese 2cm taller in 12 hours!! Lets hope they will give me a new set of buds every day next weeks :P


Active Member
So everything is looking good here both getting taller and taller, pineapple is producing more and more pistils and the little cheese keeps on making just new stems and leaves no new pistils yet but looks like it is going to be much taller than 50cm that barneys farm says!!

I measured the Ph today and got the following results:

water : 6.5ph
soil when started : 5.5ph

soil now: on both 6.9ph

Is this a problem ? if it stays that way will it affect the growth at all?

I will measure the water with the nutes tommorow but i can assume that it will have lower that 6.5 that the water has .. is that correct? i read that nutrients makes water more acid so that doesn't make sense!
How can the Ph be higher than the water if nutes works that way:confused:

any suggestions ??


i will update in the weekend with some pics!
Also i forgot i saw small shitty white bug flying in my closet so i sprayed the leaves with some soap yesterday!


Well-Known Member
looks like heat stress to me (am experiencing that here right now) but gee that is some nice growth, dunno about PH too much but 6.5 6.9 is a good range overall outside of that you get a nute lock scenario or close to it. I forget which auto I grew once but I forgot just how fast they can be, looking good overall to me and remember the biggest threat to any garden is usually the overly involved gardener lol.


Active Member
looks like heat stress to me (am experiencing that here right now) but gee that is some nice growth, dunno about PH too much but 6.5 6.9 is a good range overall outside of that you get a nute lock scenario or close to it. I forget which auto I grew once but I forgot just how fast they can be, looking good overall to me and remember the biggest threat to any garden is usually the overly involved gardener lol.

Haha... and for sure i am one of those!! i quit that habbit last days after braking a small stem so i lost a lateral bud of my little cheese and that pissed me off so no more involving without a reason ;)

Ph got 6.6 to 6.8 after watering again so it looks that there is no such prob with this (hopefully after lots of problems something good )

I will update today with new pics (weekend was off) , things are going good for pineapple that keeps on producing pistils but the heat stress is obviously a problem as it is the fan leaves on the little cheese (faking indica flat leaves :-P )

more with the pic updates


Well-Known Member
Hey, Hows it goin? Nice little grow you got there but just wanted to say to you that a HPS would probably give off less heat then all them CFLS, especially as it looks that you not too cramped for space and you have good fans. When i was using a 250w HPS it could get as close as 6inches without heat stress, even closer if there bigger plants, and i have yielded up2 7oz of 1 plant under it. Just have a big fan blowing by the level of the bulb and you would be shocked at how cool the HPS can be, and your yield would be MORE than double what the CFL will get you. Im using 400watts now and im still not having heat problems. Sorry if im rambling its just once you do the transition to HPS you will never go back trust me. Nice1


Active Member
Hey, Hows it goin? Nice little grow you got there but just wanted to say to you that a HPS would probably give off less heat then all them CFLS, especially as it looks that you not too cramped for space and you have good fans. When i was using a 250w HPS it could get as close as 6inches without heat stress, even closer if there bigger plants, and i have yielded up2 7oz of 1 plant under it. Just have a big fan blowing by the level of the bulb and you would be shocked at how cool the HPS can be, and your yield would be MORE than double what the CFL will get you. Im using 400watts now and im still not having heat problems. Sorry if im rambling its just once you do the transition to HPS you will never go back trust me. Nice1
Hi theFLAKE and thnx for all the info... i totally agree with you and in my next grow i will preper a small grow room that will fit hps for sure!
This grow supposed to be balcony grow BUT bugs and tons of other shit made me moved it for a couple of days in the closet and suddenly they doubled in 48h so i kept it that way and bought phillips cfl's 220watt that was easy to find at that point!

nice grow mate i like the look of both strains
Thnx mate Pineapple Express is amazing although i have seen lots of different phenos for this strain on other grows!
BUT i am not sure if the Little cheese is a little cheese at all!!

The friend that gave me the seeds looked at her and realised that she is not flowering yet .. Its on day 52 and still no pistils :S what i thought was flower signs are just green little stems on the stem?lol! or wtf ??
so after examing ther he said :
"SHIT mate!! i maybe gave you wrong seed and this is not little cheese but just a plain seed from a perfect weed"

i believe that this one is not autoflower and my friend is a total stoned idiot so i have to move it to his place that there is a 12/12 room because it will keep growing to my 20/4 place... or maybe i could move that back to the balcony??

What do you guys think ??provide feedback asap so i can act quick !

i will update later with the pics of the pineapple and the new experiment on this one (a little bit of "lst" to bring more light inside )



Well-Known Member
Hi theFLAKE and thnx for all the info...

What do you guys think ??provide feedback asap so i can act quick !

i will update later with the pics of the pineapple and the new experiment on this one (a little bit of "lst" to bring more light inside )
balcony, now! LOl yeah that is perfect for a quick outdoor flower session your 'prolly 12/12 right about now ay? Should get a nice yield with that a zip and a half ? BTW my Pineapple (non auto, 9th week of veg.) is starting to get a true scent already dank piney & sharp.


Active Member
balcony, now! LOl yeah that is perfect for a quick outdoor flower session your 'prolly 12/12 right about now ay? Should get a nice yield with that a zip and a half ? BTW my Pineapple (non auto, 9th week of veg.) is starting to get a true scent already dank piney & sharp.
Sound delicious :P you will be ready in 3 weeks max i suppose :blsmoke: When u say zip and half?? thats how much :p

Well i choose the balcony too and here its almost exact 12/12 (12:32 day lenght) .. But wtf? i gave her 6 hours of darkness last night and when i woke up ...take a look here comes the first pistils :confused::confused:

Now what? can this be possible? to start flowering with just ONE long night or is it a fucked up autoflower that flower after 50 days and just coincidently happened that it started flowering with the first long night??
Also if it is a NORMAL seed how much will it take to finish outdoors ? 7-8 weeks or more ???

Pineapple Expess day 61

So .. this is going great.. My mate that has some experience on growing told me that it going very good and it would be an idea to lst it in a way that is possible at this point of her life..
So thats what i did... i can see that the plants are getting double light on the close spots now and lets hope this will help !
I fed her today 3ml bloom and 1ml top max after a week . She is drinking about 1lt per day at this point and no heat stress signs (as far as i can see) . . My friend said that i would expect a good yield if everything ends up successfully and he said that it will take her max 3 weeks more to finish!! what do u guys think??

Sorry for the huge post:mrgreen: I am just a first grower making as more experiments as possible to his plants (pineapple lol )
here are some pics of the "lst" and also some fan leaves that was removed



Active Member
Pineapple is going good...i think so... Buds are developing and looking good so far. Most of the fan leaves gone yellow and was removed 3 days ago.
A week ago after feeding her 1ml Top max and 3ml Bloom everything was ok but after next watering some leaves got brown edges again with just plain water.. that looked to me like there were so much nutes in the soil so i flushed.
So i flushed her with 25litres of 6.5ph water and she looked fine the following morning!!

Temps are these days max 32c (90f)with lights on and 28c (82f) when lights are off. Ventilation is good and receiving fresh oxygen all the time!

I believe that this girl will be finished in max 2 weeks..
What do you guys think? Since it will be my first harverst , i want to cut it on the perfect time !!

Let me know


ps. More info about the Balcony "Little cheese or wtf" will follow these days when i have the time!!



Well-Known Member
good response with the flushing, that helped it out for certain. A few things come to mind though. Maybe a little more watering it seems to look dry the leaves that is but then again I have only done two autos and one of them i did well lol. If you are looking at two weeks to cut feed it molasses about two table spoons per liter should do every other watering. I would however stop feeding it anything else because the leaves have stored all it needs to live right now. THe molasses is sugar really and will give a carb boost and sweeten the taste some and many claim it aids in trich production. the final week is pure flush.
Timelines are funny things, we humans just love creating them. Your plant will be ready when it is ready. I suggest a small pocket microscope so you can view the crystal development, this is where your final product will lie. One thing some folks get incorrect is the Idea that you should wait till it is about halfway with amber trichs. There is nothing wrong with that at all, what they miss is that even after the plant is cut it will still change color in the trichs. So if you want half amber half cloudy cut it at around 30 percent amber. Clear to cloudy more head high more amber more couchlock is the rule of thumb as well most plants will age in trich development from the top down so if couchlock is your goal cut the top two thirds when rich in amber trichs and let the bottom develop more. Or not this is part of the entirely personal subjective decisions of the grower. This is my first PE grow so I do not know the particulars of the smoke or when it is best cut in terms of development, repeated grows will give you the best knowledge on how you want it perfected. So for now don.t sweat it much just enjoy the process and the results.


Active Member
good response with the flushing, that helped it out for certain. A few things come to mind though. Maybe a little more watering it seems to look dry the leaves that is but then again I have only done two autos and one of them i did well lol. If you are looking at two weeks to cut feed it molasses about two table spoons per liter should do every other watering. I would however stop feeding it anything else because the leaves have stored all it needs to live right now. THe molasses is sugar really and will give a carb boost and sweeten the taste some and many claim it aids in trich production. the final week is pure flush.
Timelines are funny things, we humans just love creating them. Your plant will be ready when it is ready. I suggest a small pocket microscope so you can view the crystal development, this is where your final product will lie. One thing some folks get incorrect is the Idea that you should wait till it is about halfway with amber trichs. There is nothing wrong with that at all, what they miss is that even after the plant is cut it will still change color in the trichs. So if you want half amber half cloudy cut it at around 30 percent amber. Clear to cloudy more head high more amber more couchlock is the rule of thumb as well most plants will age in trich development from the top down so if couchlock is your goal cut the top two thirds when rich in amber trichs and let the bottom develop more. Or not this is part of the entirely personal subjective decisions of the grower. This is my first PE grow so I do not know the particulars of the smoke or when it is best cut in terms of development, repeated grows will give you the best knowledge on how you want it perfected. So for now don.t sweat it much just enjoy the process and the results.
Thnx for your time and usefull tips ironheadxl !! Indeed what you say was what i was going to ask about the trichromes changing color after harvest..
Well i looked into my buds and i see 80%-90% cloudy and some 10-20% clear.
Same on the top and or the lower buds, As u can see in the pictures. I still see no amber trichs (maybe 1-2 could be noticed but not sure).

On another forum some guys claimed that they never see amber trichs on autoflowers but thats something i never heard of before... Could this be true? i dont think so , so i have to wait minimum one more week for sure till the trichs starts to turn amber in order to take this 70-30 thing i want!
Also last 2 days many new white pistils appeared and they are thicker and longer than the oldies !!

About the dry leaves thing you said i beleive that flushing 2 times in 3 weeks without feeding any N or P after that could led to a N/P def so thats why the strange color on leaves occured. I fed her some Biog grow-Bloom and she really liked that and some leaves look lot greener now!

About the mollases now i am using top max so it is supposed to be the same thing or wtf?
I will not give any nutes and will feed her last top max mix tonight and i will flush on wednesday hoping that she will be ready to die in the next max 10 days!:joint:

take a look and tell me what u think! the buds are not that big but they are veeery solid! also the smell is not that stinky when you dont touch it. if you do it smells like barney's shop !lol!

OH!! and about the supposed Little Cheese shit... Looks like it turned up to a fucking amazing MALE (fak) so i believe i have to forget that quick outdoor yield for this year and just accept i have stupid friends that cant even keep seperate 4 seeds !!!i also included a pic of this one that is already RIP !lol!



Well-Known Member
damne those last few pics look great and damn the trichs on your earlier photos - they are huge. Frosty. The male I would let develop and then cut and freeze for any breeding you might like to do, clearly there is some good genetics, maybe you could make a new auto flower type. The topmax I really have no knowledge on that have'nt used it before should of read your post earlier I just got back from worms way ;), pic # 8 and 9, shit homes that is some dense looking nug, follow through and enjoy for sure!


Active Member
damne those last few pics look great and damn the trichs on your earlier photos - they are huge. Frosty. The male I would let develop and then cut and freeze for any breeding you might like to do, clearly there is some good genetics, maybe you could make a new auto flower type. The topmax I really have no knowledge on that have'nt used it before should of read your post earlier I just got back from worms way ;), pic # 8 and 9, shit homes that is some dense looking nug, follow through and enjoy for sure!
Breeding is not in my plans for the upcoming future so let it RIP !!hehe! but there were some good genetics for sure...
Pic 8 is from the main cola and pic 9 from the newly formed pistils that are thick ! Happy to hear that my trichs are huge ! i expect them to multiply these last days ! temps are now much lower about 29c with lights on and 26c off so it will help them develop!