Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids


Too many brownies
Lets all get in the spirit of making change, theres enough users on this forum and others I post on that we really can make a difference.

sorry you werent fighting with me...more like being a big pessimist.


Well-Known Member
dude stop telling everyone they are fighting against you....all people are doing are trying to protect their own asses and not trying to waste time talking to a operator about marijuana. A letter/email to your local congressman would go SO MUCH further


Too many brownies
dude stop telling everyone they are fighting against you....all people are doing are trying to protect their own asses and not trying to waste time talking to a operator about marijuana. A letter/email to your local congressman would go SO MUCH further
Thats why I also have a thread for writing a letter....

Ok how about this,

I KNOW talking to him on the phone is safe, a phone call cant do anything but help, If you want to call the information is now posted on the forums.

If you dont want to call or if you want to be a pessimist please just pass on to another thread and leave this one here for people who want to do all they can.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
a congressman is who you want to send it to---they write the laws and have influence over their states---more so than the president. Change will happen from the legislature not the executive branch.


Too many brownies
a congressman is who you want to send it to---they write the laws and have influence over their states---more so than the president. Change will happen from the legislature not the executive branch.
change is already taking place on a state isnt enough though

We need to take it to a federal level now where the fight is still raging even in medical states where laws have been passed allowing medical marijuana

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want to make a phone call---sound like a stoner---write something so you know how things will go---a lotta variables in a phone call.


Well-Known Member
the presidents is more of a filter than a lawmaker......he has a choice to either let something pass or veto it.....the people choose the president because they believe he will make the right choices when one comes up......Congress needs to hear about how much we want marijuana legal not barak obama im sure he hears enough about everything else

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
change is already taking place on a state hasnt been working though.

We need to take it to a federal level now where the fight is still raging even in medical states

every election one or two states switches---that's pretty fast for government stuff. It's only a matter of time before it's legal now---but it will come from the states---not the federal level.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
at the end of his second term he might do something pro marijuana---but not before---it would burn to much political capital for everything else he wants to do.


Well-Known Member
every election one or two states switches---that's pretty fast for government stuff. It's only a matter of time before it's legal now---but it will come from the states---not the federal level.

to add on to what you said......If enough states make it legal the federal govt will have no choice but to make it legal....thats all there is too it but until theres enough states still without legal/medicinal medicine the federal govt doesn't have to do anything so they wont


Well-Known Member
nonstop...we're noT being pessimistic...we're being realists. You'll have to go to the lawmakers, and policy makers to get the job done. The president isn't going to jack shit.


Too many brownies
Your telling me the president doesnt have the power

Obama could get off to an excellent start by appointing new leadership in the DEA and making it unmistakably clear to the Department of Justice that under the Obama administration, this practice is no longer acceptable.

Oh and here is a nice little conversation pre typed for those of you who are "too stoned" to talk on the phone.

“Hi, my name is _____________.
On Thursday, the Drug Enforcement Agency raided a medical cannabis dispensary in Tahoe, California. The dispensary was raided by DEA despite numerous statements by President Obama saying he would end federal interference with state medical cannabis laws.
I’m very concerned about outgoing DEA officials undermining these state laws and aggressively threatening innocent Americans. I’m also concerned about DEA taking action that is an affront to President Obama’s position.
I am pleading with President Obama to issue an immediate suspension of all federal funds used to investigate, intimidate, arrest, or prosecute individuals who use or provide medical cannabis in accordance with their state laws. We are being threatened by our own DEA. Please help us.”

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
everyone's just ignoring the massive bureaucracy in our government---those positions have power---power the president is humbled by.

You have to study this shit to know how everything really works---it's not what you think. Everyone gives the president shit :) and it's his job to eat it.


Well-Known Member
why would the freedom of information act lead to that? that's for the government hiding shit. You can call your representatives and you should they listen to that type of thing---but your better off sending an email to their office---with what you want in the title line---an intern will read them and tally the responses in a excel document.
You're representatives don't necessarily read your emails or listen to your complaints. Shelly Berkley, a rep. from NV just sends out form letters to people who email or write and those form letters usually address something completely different that what you wrote about!


Well-Known Member
uh don't vote for her next time ? :) They have interns that do read that shit---I was one---state government though.
Yeah, she really needs to go. I've personally never voted for her - she's a hardcore Dem.

She keeps promising to do stuff for the gay community too and she hasn't done shit.