Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
a good majority of politicians don't give a shit about their constituents---they just want the title and the power---and never want to solve any problems---if they get the party nod with all the gerrymandering their in for life---the voters are just an afterthought.


Too many brownies
fuck yeah theres a lot of people really trying. Dude i wasn't tryin to stomp on your parade earlier my bad for all that
thank you dude, i understand, its just that theres so many people who feel they cant make a change.

the only way to get these types of people to do something is to be positive and keep spreading the "we can do it" attitude.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
EVERYBODY in government needs to be called and written about this. Not just the pres and not just the lawmakers. Everyone. Local, state and feds.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
If I was leading the movement :) ---I would start with county judge executives---most powerful position in the county---convince them to lobby for marijuana---they report to the governor---then we conquer the state :)


Well-Known Member
EVERYBODY in government needs to be called and written about this. Not just the pres and not just the lawmakers. Everyone. Local, state and feds.
I write a letter to every official in my state when issue come up. I really think this is last on Obama's agenda right now.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I really think this is last on Obama's agenda right now.
And it won't be until enough people bring it to his attention, citizens and, more importantly, the federal lawmakers who need to hear it from governors, judges, etc., etc.. All of which need to be hearing from the people.

But yeah, there is just too much shit going on in the country for it to get any real attention. On the other hand, the economy problems are a great way to introduce the question,"Is cannabis prohibition worth the money?" I know my state is cutting it's budget way back. Maybe people will realize that locking up smokers is less important than funding schools and medicare.


Well-Known Member
And it won't be until enough people bring it to his attention, citizens and, more importantly, the federal lawmakers who need to hear it from governors, judges, etc., etc.. All of which need to be hearing from the people.

But yeah, there is just too much shit going on in the country for it to get any real attention. On the other hand, the economy problems are a great way to introduce the question,"Is cannabis prohibition worth the money?" I know my state is cutting it's budget way back. Maybe people will realize that locking up smokers is less important than funding schools and medicare.
Thats great and all and the Cannabis Legalization movement is doing very well. But right now the president is dealing with the worst financial crisis in history and two foreign wars. I'm sure he is pretty busy maybe in the months to come we will see this issue come to light.

I just continue to donate monthly to NORML and help out where I can. :peace:

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Thats great and all and the Cannabis Legalization movement is doing very well. But right now the president is dealing with the worst financial crisis in history and two foreign wars. I'm sure he is pretty busy maybe in the months to come we will see this issue come to light.

I just continue to donate monthly to NORML and help out where I can. :peace:
I don't think we're gonna see any real action of even much real discussion in the government anytime until the mess this country is in starts to settle down a bit. I just think it's important that our officials get a reminder every once in a while.


Too many brownies
Thats great and all and the Cannabis Legalization movement is doing very well. But right now the president is dealing with the worst financial crisis in history and two foreign wars. I'm sure he is pretty busy maybe in the months to come we will see this issue come to light.

I just continue to donate monthly to NORML and help out where I can. :peace:
worst financial crisis in us history? Ever hear of the great depression man??


Well-Known Member
See...these are the reasons I need to run for resident in the year 2020. I may not be able to get weed legalized right away, but I will give Presidential pardons to everyone who gets busted for possession of weed. Impeach me? Well then you have to answer to Vice-President was his idea in the first place


See...these are the reasons I need to run for resident in the year 2020. I may not be able to get weed legalized right away, but I will give Presidential pardons to everyone who gets busted for possession of weed. Impeach me? Well then you have to answer to Vice-President was his idea in the first place

now we just have to come up with the money you need to run....

if that would be accomplished, i think we would win it.... but coming up with the millions that it takes to run is the issue....:-(


Well-Known Member
now we just have to come up with the money you need to run....

if that would be accomplished, i think we would win it.... but coming up with the millions that it takes to run is the issue....:-(
We've got 11 years...fuck it. If I can prove all the bastards wrong, who said I wouldn't have a license nor make it to school, then surely, I can find the right people to help fund the campaign. That's why I told the "Big Girl" to help me find Brad Pitt. He's an integral part to this plan...and he'll agree with us, cuz he seems like a cool dude, that'd be down with legal bud. Plus, he lives in the Quarter...and she knows his address...this WILL happen. Even if I'm assassinated it'll be for the RIGHT cause...and again, they'll have to deal with YOU if that's the case.

Yup...this is happening. I'm determined now.

King Trip for President in 2020!


We've got 11 years...fuck it. If I can prove all the bastards wrong, who said I wouldn't have a license nor make it to school, then surely, I can find the right people to help fund the campaign. That's why I told the "Big Girl" to help me find Brad Pitt. He's an integral part to this plan...and he'll agree with us, cuz he seems like a cool dude, that'd be down with legal bud. Plus, he lives in the Quarter...and she knows his address...this WILL happen. Even if I'm assassinated it'll be for the RIGHT cause...and again, they'll have to deal with YOU if that's the case.

Yup...this is happening. I'm determined now.

King Trip for President in 2020!

i'd probably be the one to assassinate your ass.... who wants to be #2??:-P


Well-Known Member
UK law always seems to follow in line with America lately and we have just got an even worse sting to our laws on cannabis.
From what i can tell so far,being 2000 miles away,Obama has reneged on all of his marijuana promises and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if America ends up taking an even tougher line than the UK has.

It does seem,to me anyway, like he has used you all with a "I will sort out the weed" line to get your votes away from Ron Paul and make himself President.
Anyway i hope i am wrong but suddenly overnight here its 2-5 years just for possesion:o


UK law always seems to follow in line with America lately and we have just got an even worse sting to our laws on cannabis.
From what i can tell so far,being 2000 miles away,Obama has reneged on all of his marijuana promises and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if America ends up taking an even tougher line than the UK has.

It does seem,to me anyway, like he has used you all with a "I will sort out the weed" line to get your votes away from Ron Paul and make himself President.
Anyway i hope i am wrong but suddenly overnight here its 2-5 years just for possesion:o

i hope you are wrong too... but i dont see it... i think he is gonna (to use an old adage) blow smoke in all of our faces, basically saying, "ha ha. you bought my bullshit"


Well-Known Member
i'd probably be the one to assassinate your ass.... who wants to be #2??:-P
Alright then..assassinate me...

I don't even know how to respond to that. I should punch you in the arm...

Either way...we'll BOTH be President...

still...I'm gonna punch you in the arm

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
UK law always seems to follow in line with America lately and we have just got an even worse sting to our laws on cannabis.
From what i can tell so far,being 2000 miles away,Obama has reneged on all of his marijuana promises and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if America ends up taking an even tougher line than the UK has.

It does seem,to me anyway, like he has used you all with a "I will sort out the weed" line to get your votes away from Ron Paul and make himself President.
Anyway i hope i am wrong but suddenly overnight here its 2-5 years just for possesion:o
The change from class C to class B was pretty shitty for you Brits especially with the drug advisory board(whatever it's called) coming out and saying it shouldn't be changed. I want to know how the general public felt about the change and what kind of media attention it got.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man,sux,all politicians in all country's suck ass and lie.
I'm definitely leaving to Amsterdam now,i was hoping i wouldn't have to go as i like living here for the most part but i doubt that my dream shop will ever happen here.
I cant see even decriminalization even happening here now.
They protested all over London yesterday and outside Downing Street and when i switched the news on there was not even one mention of it.
Old granny lost her hat,cat found,turkey ran away.
Hundreds of potheads????may as well never have happened:finger: