BCMango's First Grow Journal


Well-Known Member

Here's teh pics of my NL seeds germing. sorry whent to a friends and got baked so didn't get to dealing with teh seeds
Northern Light seeds.jpg

Room Temp

Room Humid

Water Temp

Water PH Level


Well-Known Member

Seeds Germ.
Northern Lights
Juicy Fruit

Water Temps
Northern lights - 58F
Juicy Fruit - 58F

Germ. Water PH Level
Northern Lights - 6.5
Juicy Fruit - 6.5

Room Temp

Room Humid.


Well-Known Member
why the temps in the water are in Fahrenheit and the temps in the room are in Celsius??? just curious...i prefer celsius actually....otherwise i use google to find a convertion calculator :D lol


Well-Known Member
why the temps in the water are in Fahrenheit and the temps in the room are in Celsius??? just curious...i prefer celsius actually....otherwise i use google to find a convertion calculator :D lol
I have my humid and temp set to C and the fish water therm. is easer to read in F compared to C but its proibly about 14C , if you want a journal that is all in C request that once I'm done my grow:leaf:

mr west

Well-Known Member
we have to be impirial and metric in this country lol. We get conversion charts in the back of diarys in this country lol.


Well-Known Member
i can't understand u well dude .......my damn cartoon network english lol
ta ha , I confused you:mrgreen: better english , if any one want me to redo this grow using C insted of C and F I will repost this hole journal since they won't let me change it after a certing amount of time that has passed , I was drinking Bacardi with a friend:leaf: