BC's Pineapple Cinderella-99 Seed Run

u told me to just give up on them. lmao. they are in the back yard in the sun right now. they were going to be a little outdor project.
a few interesting ways out there. my favorite is to place them in a box generally so they dont flop around. u can fill the extra space with old balls of news paper or shit like that. set them on ur back seat. then pray to shit u dont get pulled over. lmfao.

this is exactly what i do too. i have a few select rubbermaid containers that are big enought to house 9-10 plants in 1g pots and cruise up and down 101 with them, buckled up safely of course
this is exactly what i do too. i have a few select rubbermaid containers that are big enought to house 9-10 plants in 1g pots and cruise up and down 101 with them, buckled up safely of course
i put mine in my girlfriends car seat. :) lmao. j/k

the idea is to not get pulled over but shit happens sometimes. murphys law and all that shit.
Hey B.C
it will be good to watch this grow of the c99 Pine pheno, I used to have it for a while in clone but slowley dissapeared :( The guy who kept it crossed it with a Nev. Haze ( which was his Fav. strain ) and searched out the 9-10 week finnishers and Pine pheno's, re worked it and i dont know first hand the full storey, but there was one he kept and around 5-6 years later i got me a snip back of the c99 x.
I didnt get a chance to show it off last one i done, but got a beast in atm and cant wait to show this beauty do her thang!!!

c u around

Thanks CGG, this run is actually over :) I got all the beans I was looking for tho, ended up with 6 or 7 hundred by the time the grow was over!! :)