Be careful making homemade CalMag supplement

go go kid

Well-Known Member
when working with acids and bases, allways nutralise them, potassium hydroxide for candel making would have worked very nicely and a little go's a long way


Well-Known Member
You didn't make calmag you made WS-Ca. Did you dilute it properly? I've been using the same thing in my garden and Ws-CaPo on my outdoor cannabis plants without any issues.

Anything used incorrectly can cause issues.



Well-Known Member
I don't think there will be any recovery.
There was no bubbling when eggshells were added so it must be a dilution problem.
All I can do is laugh - and learn to do better next time.

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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't toss it just yet. Spray it good with plain water and wait. You'll lose the fan leaves but still have new growth at the nodes.


Well-Known Member
I bought a cheap ph meter from Home Depot
My dead plants have a ph between 5 and 5.5.
I guess that did them in


Well-Known Member
Oh well - it was a learning experience.
Sharing so that others see what can happen.
I'm confused but that happens often. Did you use it as a foliar or did you water the plants with it?

I was under the impression that you used it as a foliar which is the typical method.